Page 5 of My Captured Heart
Gray Eye had lived during the big Indian wars, and when defeat came with the whites his spirit was broken. Gone were the virile days of the Arapaho and he resigned himself to living more like the white man. Still Gray Eye continued to keep the Arapaho ways. Sometimes it was hard or impossible to find a balance.
How could Lone Wolf explain it to his father, he hadn't thought it through himself yet?
Murmuring from the Cheyenne tribe indicated their displeasure with the decision. Still, Lone Wolf did not comply with their wishes. He could not marry a Cheyenne.
One of the elders came from the Cheyenne camp to eye him one day. He watched him every day but said nothing. It was a scare tactic, but it would not work on Lone Wolf. He knew of it, and he had his own vision to look forward to.
He had set a course for himself and was determined to follow his own destiny.
He needed to practice with his bow and arrow. He went out to a secluded spot in the woods. It was used by many of the braves who practiced with their bows and arrows. The trees were lined up as though planted for their practice, Lone Wolf smiled.
Gathering his bow and arrow, he measured how far he was from the nearest tree. He shot several all almost in one spot. He needed little practice but here he would not look upon his father's anger or displeasure. He enjoyed practicing. He enjoyed hunting. He hit every tree, no matter the distance.
Lone Wolf was a good hunter. Her brought deer, and rabbit and many fish to his tribe. In his leisure he picked berries and special things that Little Feather would prepare. He enjoyed it.
But today his mind was on his vision. It made him happy that the Great Spirit had shown him the way.
Luki, the Cheyenne woman he was supposed to marry walked on his trail that day. He had heard her behind him and when he turned to see her, he stared with admiration.
She was a beauty, he admitted that, but her beauty was different, and Lone Wolf saw that too. His eyes traveled her several times, enjoying the view, but wisely knowing it was not for him.
He had known the Cheyenne women were beautiful, but Luki was exceptionally so. When he spotted her she blatantly stared at him too? "You do not want me for a bride?" She asked with contempt, her lips snarling.
The curl of her lip made him see her for what she was.
Lone Wolf stared, Luki was small, with long black hair and dark brown eyes that shone at him. Her limbs were long and tan, her dress short and no man could not look upon her without lusting. She knew her own beauty and obviously flaunted it recklessly. He did not approve of that. His wife would not do such a thing. Lust should be only for a husband and wife, not to flaunt.
"I do not wish to insult you so. But you are a stranger to me, and I do not love you. I cannot marry what I don't love."
"Your eyes are not pleased to look upon me?" she asked, posing so that much of her leg shone in the sunshine. Her mouth pursed as though in a kiss. For a moment, only a moment, he felt his body stir.
His gaze drifted to her leg, and he appraised her openly.
"You cannot seduce me Luki," he told her, as he looked away from her. "And I can do no less than admire you. But I do not seek lust, Luki. I seek love."
"Am I not pretty enough for you?"
"You are quite beautiful, and you know it. But I must refuse you." He told her plainly. "It is the heart that is empty."
"The heart, and you can see my heart?" She challenged.
"Yes, I can!"
She walked around him, rubbing up against him as she did. "We must have time to fall in love. We must be with each other more often, seek each other out. Talk and kiss even. Tell me, do you love another?" Her brows furrowed as she studied him, her glance sliding up and down him with obvious approval. He wore leggings and a breechcloth, with moccasins. But it was his powerful arms she stared at.
I have no other Luki. But I look into your eyes and see nothing but cold nights. Is that what you want?"
She stared, "You would not have me?" She sounded shocked. As though it never occurred to her to be rejected.
"Not as a wife… or lover."
"You've been to the white mission, have you not?"
"I have. I learned English, and the white ways." He told her.
"You displease your father by rejecting me. Are you following the white man's ways? Is that why you reject me?"