Page 50 of My Captured Heart
He smiled and the four of them went to sleep, draped in the furs that the Navaho had provided them.
Chapter Thirteen
The next morning, Hannah got up early and made the coffee. But since no one was up yet, she went back into Lone Wolfs arms, her lips caressing his chin as she snuggled.
His eyes came open and he smiled, pulling her up so he could look at her. "You were very brave last night."
"I was petrified." She whispered. "And too cold to speak."
"You hid it well." He smiled.
"How is your arm?" She pulled it out to see it still bandaged.
"A bit stiff, but I will live," he stared into her eyes, and then he slowly lifted her chin with his finger, staring into her eyes. "I would have killed them if they had touched you."
"It would not be the first time I would not respond."
His sexy smile went over her. "In some ways your white husband taught you well. But he didn't know it."
"No, he didn't." she smiled.
"When he put that knife to your leg, I wanted to rip him apart."
She put her hand on his face, her fingers caressing him, he captured them with his mouth and slowly he caressed them.
She watched him caress each finger, going up and down slowly, and watching her eyes that lit with a fire. Her face softened, her breathing became irregular. Her eyes shone into his. Then he leaned into her and touched his lips tentatively against hers. When she surrendered herself to his kiss, he took her in his arms, and kissed her so softly, so lovingly she lost all control.
The kiss lingered, as his lips went over the bridge of her nose slowly, over the top of her brow, to the corner of her mouth. Her breathing was erratic, and it no longer mattered to her if she was doing it right. She kissed him back with a fever.
When he came up for air, he smiled, "You are my woman, Hannah… You are my nebii'o'oo."
"Yes," she cried, pushing his hair away from his face and smiling, "your sweetheart." She murmured.
He stared, then a slow grin spread over his face, "You know what it means."
"Yes, nebii'o'oo." she smiled back. "I remember the first time you said it. I asked Black Feather what it meant."
He pulled her into his arms, setting her on his lap and kissing her with an abandon. She didn't mind, she wrapped her arms around him and gave it her all. He fought for her and almost died, she could no longer hide what was in her heart.
When they came up for air, he smiled and pulled her closer, his hand going around her. "I want you Hannah, but first we must marry. You are more Indian than white now; will you marry me when we return?"
"Yes…" she sighed happily. "I'm ready now, and I want you too."
He kissed her again as he pulled her down, under him and she felt his arousal against her thigh. She closed her eyes and held him. "We will be one, Hannah, soon."
"Yes, " she cried and smiled into his handsome face. "I promise I will not be still when you make love to me. I will meet you… and you must tell me if I am doing it wrong."
"Hannah, to make love you must let your heart guide you. That is all. Just like your kisses guide you. You kiss very well."
"The white man's law does not apply to me now, as I am an Arapaho woman now." She whispered for his ears.
He rewarded her with another sultry kiss.
Much later they got up, had breakfast and Deer Runner and Lone Wolf went to check the weather.
It had stopped snowing, and they checked to see if it had frozen over.
"There is a thin layer of ice, but our shoes will take care of that." Deer Runner assured him.