Page 56 of My Captured Heart
But this kiss was different, it offered her promises of her future. This kiss branded her as his and she knew it. For he kissed her with such a reverence that she threw her arms around his neck and invited more. "I am shameful in your arms."
"Shameful, never. Why do you say this?"
"Because I have such feelings when you kiss me, almost as though my body comes alive, my soul is taken by you and the Creator…" she smiled. "I never enjoyed kissing before, it is new to me, and I cannot get enough. So that makes me shameful."
He pulled away and stood up. She was puzzled why he did it.
"Did I do something wrong?" She asked.
He shook his head and turned away.
"Why did you pull away?" she asked. "I do not understand why you pull away from me… I must be doing something wrong. Won't you tell me?"
"Your words are branded in my soul. For you to want me that much, makes me sure I was right in taking you from your husband. The vision was true, my heart is full. But…We are not yet married. I will not take you until we are… Even though it is what I desire most."
Their gazes met, and she smiled shyly. "Is it shameless to kiss so much? Or to desire, when there is love."
"No, but it creates a problem for me."
"I don't understand."
"That's part of the problem. I want to make you mine. Now, here, under the stars of the Creator. But we will do this right, and I must not fall victim to your kisses too often before we do."
"You want me that much?" She gasped, shocked that his desire was as hers.
"Yes… " he admitted. "So very much."
"Do I shame you to tell you of my feelings?"
"No, never…" he turned to stared into her eyes. "There is nothing shameful in you Hannah. And I hope we will share truths together forever."
She blushed. "Then I will behave. But I do want you. As much as you want me."
He grinned. "Don't behave too much."
She chuckled, "Not too much."
He walked her back to the campsite, his hand holding hers. She'd never been able to talk to a man so freely, without shame. She had grown so comfortable in her love for Lone Wolf, mostly because he returned that love.
She felt they had reached a new awakening and she looked so forward to the day he claimed her as his own.
Black Feather smiled at her, as she joined her to make their supper.
"You had a good walk?" Black Feather asked.
"Yes, very good." Hannah smiled.
"It is good. You must get to know him so much you know what he wants before he wants it."
"I want to be as happy as you and Deer Runner." She told her.
"Love is something that only grows stronger with time when it is with the right person." Black Feather told her.
"Sometimes," she looked away. "I feel bad that I was not a good wife to Liam. For some things he said of me were true." She admitted.
"A wise one knows when they are wrong, see it. But, there simply was no love. You must love each other to make a good marriage. You must trust each other always, be there for each other. The Creator has said forsake all others."
"I wish I had someone like you for a mother," she blurted. "To teach me the things I do not know. I speak freely to Lone Wolf, is that wrong?"