Page 63 of My Captured Heart
Hannah laughed softly, "We are so lucky."
Black Feather chuckled, "Yes, we are…"
When they finished the dress, Hannah told her she would search for berries, so they could make a pie.
She knew a place where they grew, and it wasn't far, she told Black Feather.
"Do not be long…" Black Feather warned.
"I won't…"
Hannah found a basket to put the berries in and took off toward the patch. She felt so light hearted, so happy. She smiled all the time now and felt her life finally had some meaning. But as she began to pick the berries, a hand came over her mouth and she was thrown against the ground.
She did not have to look to know who it was. Hannah stared up and gasped. "Liam!" She spat his name like an acid in her mouth.
"You forgot your husband, did ya?" He asked staring at her dress. "So now you are a squaw? You didn't have the decency to kill yourself when he took you, did ya? Well, no matter. You are going with me now."
"How did you find me?" she cried not bothering to get up, for she knew he'd knock her down again.
"The doc told me about the medicine that them Indians stole, we been going from camp to camp to find you ever since. I remember how you used to wait on the doc so much and talk to him about the small pox and other diseases. You even helped give the shots to our people. Do you remember that?"
"Yes of course I do."
"Now you wanted it for these stinking Indians."
"I did not want them to die."
"Well, your plans have failed. I put two and two together. We seen an Indian take you away, tried to shoot him but he was too far away. I never dreamed you'd join them though. You won't be a lot of use to me now. I should just kill you."
"Perhaps you should, for I will never be a wife to you. Why do you want me?"
"'Cause your mine, that's why."
"I am not yours… I'm not property Liam. I'm a woman."
"Woman!" he reviled her. His lower lips pouched out with disdain. "You are one sorry excuse for a woman. You don't know nothing. You’re an ignorant fool is what you are Hannah. You'll go with me and you 'll work every day at the store and you'll do as I say for the rest of your life. Do you understand me? And I'll have no more talk about Indians. In fact, I won't allow them in my stores any longer, and no one will blame me for that, either."
"I will not slave for you!" she shouted. "I will never go willingly with you again! The only reason I am not a woman to you, is because I chose not to be."
He grabbed her by the arm and twisted her about, so he could hold her. "Your mine and you are going back."
"I won't…. I'll die first." She spat at him and wrestled to be free. No longer was she the weak submissive wife. She fought for what she knew was right. When she got loose, she raked a hand down his cheek, scratching his face until the blood flowed. He cursed her.
But Liam was a strong man, he came up and slapped her across the cheek as hard as he could.
She fell to the ground once more, her cheek burning, her head pounding from the impact of the blow.
"Get up you tramp."
"I will not go with you…" she scrambled to her feet and started to run. She thought she was making progress, but he had other plans for her now and she had no idea what lay in store for her, as she tried to escape.
He drew from his hip a whip and lashed it at her back.
It struck her hard, bringing the blood. She could feel it oozing down her back. The pain was like a fire on her back.
"You're going back…"
She heard the dress tear, felt the rip in her skin, the blood trickled. The sharp sting of the leather made her nearly crumble. It made a crackling sound in the air. But