Page 65 of My Captured Heart
"Look, she struggled greatly, she clawed the earth, and there's blood here. She's been hurt!" he frowned and the concern in his face was laced with a fear of her life.
Deer Runner saw and shook his head, "Who would do such a thing?"
"Her white husband!" Lone Wolf cried out in a war hoop!
"We must find her and bring her back!" Deer Runner told him.
"Yes, for I feel he might kill her!"
"Why would he do such a thing?"
Lone Wolf stared with tears unshed, "Because she is Indian now, no longer a white woman, and he will see it, if he hasn't already."
"I will go with you!"
"Thank you, we must hurry, her life is in great danger now!"
"Yes, I agree! She is one of us, and he will kill her as she will not give up. She put up a great struggle here in the dirt. I can see that too. I have not seen such a brave thing from a woman before."
"Yes, a great struggle." He looked at Deer Runner, "I will kill him, when I find him!"
Deer Runner nodded, "We will drink his blood from his skull!"
"We must stop and tell Black Feather."
When they told Black Feather and some of the other women who were worried for Hannah, they cried out. "He will kill her, Lone Wolf. You must find her quickly."
"Yes, she has fought hard, but he has hurt her badly already, I can see that. He brought her blood. We must hurry."
"Yes, hurry," Black Feather cried. "Find her…"
The women crowded around Black Feather with worried glances.
Chapter Seventeen
Hannah tried to open her eyes, but her left eye was swollen, she moaned softly and tried to see through her other eye. For a moment the room swam in front of her and she closed her eye entirely. Slowly, she opened it and got her bearings. She could barely see. Pain so sharp hit her when she tried to move. She could not get up.
She was at Liam's cabin again, laying on the bed. She heard Burt and Liam talking. The pain in her body lay dormant as long as she did not move. So, she stilled herself and listened.
"What are you gonna do with her now?" Burt asked.
Something slammed on the table, probably a whiskey bottle, Hannah surmised. "I really ought to kill her," Liam cursed her name. "She's a damned Injun now. She won't be any good to me, in bed or in the store. She'll embarrass me. I can't take her back like this."
"Then why did you go get her?"
"To shut the townspeople up, for one. They started turning against me because I haven't looked for her. And I thought if I got her back, she could run the store again and I'd have some free time, like before" Liam explained. "I didn't figure on her turning Injun on me, though. She didn't want to leave. I had to beat her first. She ran, she crawled she begged me to leave her. I beat the hell out of her and then I hauled her up on my horse and took off."
There was a quiet and then Burt blurted, "Well hell, Liam, maybe you should just kill her and be done with it."
"I'd go to jail if the townspeople found out. I can't just kill her Burt! I got to think this through."
"You got any real feelings for her?" Burt blurted.
There was a long silence and Hannah held her breath for his answer. "Hell no, she ain't no good in bed, and I have to slap her around all the time to get her to do anything. Now she's turned Indian on me. She's been more trouble than she's worth."
"No one knows she's here, do they?" Burt asked. There was a sinister sound to his voice.