Page 68 of My Captured Heart
Hannah snuggled against Lone Wolf, as he put her on his horse. Hannah went in and out of consciousness now and Lone Wolf knew she needed taking care of. "We must get her home, quickly."
Deer Runner nodded, and they rode.
When Black Feather saw them riding up like a huge dust storm, she ran to them and she saw Hannah and gasped, throwing her hands to her mouth. Lone Wolf got down and gently took Hannah in his arms, carrying her to Black Feather's tipi so she could tend her.
All the women of the tribe came to help and doctor her wounds.
Lone Wolf waited at the door outside.
Black Feather stripped the dress from her to the waist, so they could doctor her back. The wounds were very deep and becoming infected. She directed several of the women to bring her herbs for healing and they boiled the herbs and made a paste to put on her back.
Later she came out to find Lone Wolf sitting by the side of the door. He had been there waiting all this time. He stood up, "How is she?"
"The wounds were infected and very deep. Who did this to her?"
"Her white husband, Liam."
"He must die for this, she is very sick. I have never seen a woman beaten this badly."
"Will she…live?" Lone Wolf asked.
"If we can get the infection out, yes."
"What must be done, to get it out?"
"I have put a poultice of herbs on her wounds, and it will help draw, but we should seal the wounds with fire. It will scar her back, but she would live. Lone Wolf, her back is full of old and new wounds."
"Then we must do it." He told her.
Black Feather stared out on the prairie now, her heart heavy. "Lone Wolf," she called him to her.
Black Feather looked at him and put a hand on his arm. "She has been beaten many times before. Will you still love her when you look upon it?"
Lone Wolf looked at Black Feather, "Nothing," he came close to her now, staring with such an emotion even Black Feather saw the hurt on his face now. "I mean nothing can stop me from loving this woman. No one can stop it. To see her suffer like this, and not cry out, breaks my heart, but it does not change what is in my heart for her. She is stronger than she knows. She crawled along the prairie floor where they left her, digging her nails into the ground, to move, in such pain I cannot imagine. Before she passed out the first time she told me. She was coming home."
"It is the love between you that kept her going. When I gave her the dress, she did not show her wounds. I did not know she had been beaten so badly. She never spoke of it."
"She is as brave as any woman I've ever known."
"Yes, she is. And she needs to hear the love words in your heart to heal. It is your love for her that will heal her. She is in pain, but to burn the wounds will cause more pain. And even as strong as she is, her heart could give way. You must tell her how you feel now, as she deserves your love. She deserves to hear it. You must say the words Lone Wolf."
Lone Wolf nodded, "May I be alone with her for a moment?"
"Yes, I will tell the others what must be done."
"Thank you, Black Feather, for what you've done."
Black Feather let a tear slide down her cheek. She told her husband how badly Hannah had been treated and the others and everyone
wanted to help her.
Lone Wolf went inside the tipi. She was alone, and naked to the waist. She did not stir she lay on her stomach and her face was serene. Her eyes were not open. One eye would not open, the other was still as beautiful as ever.
"I have loved you, from the moment I first saw you. Even though I knew you were not mine to love. When the vision came and told me you were mine to take. I could not contain my joy. You are the strongest of strong, and the sweetest of sweet, my love…" He murmured as he pushed her long hair from her face. "The day I took you, I needed you so badly and you were there for me, needing me in the same way. We are one now, you must get well, for I want many more days like that, even better ones."
She slowly opened her eye, "I'm not that strong, or that sweet, but I love you with all my heart!" she cried as a lone tear fell down her cheek, and sweet smile broke over her face. "I am so glad to be here, with all of you… Even if I die, I will be happy. And you have loved me and no one else. I am so happy. I am not ashamed that we loved, as my heart is yours now, and if I die, you will have it for eternity."