Page 71 of My Captured Heart
"Heart? You mean…. You love her? I didn't think Indians knew how to love."
"You are a dog Liam, not a man. You cannot think. It is your weakness."
After they put Liam and Burt into the wagon and tied them down, they cleaned the barn of the blood. No one would ever know what really happened, as it should be, thought Lone Wolf with satisfaction.
They whipped the wagon around and headed south. They went for miles before stopping near a cliff. They looked around. The ground was a cold place right now.
Deer Runner laughed. "Don't cry out, as you will show your weakness."
They heard the wolves and they took them as close as they dared to let them have their supper.
"This is wrong!" Liam shouted. "You'll hang for this."
"I will not kill you, the wolves will."
"You can't do this. It's not human."
"Pray to your Creator, then." Lone Wolf smiled, and they rode off. "Perhaps if he knows you, he will protect you."
"I should have killed you the first time you walked into my store."
"Why didn't you?"
"I don't know." Liam muttered miserably.
Only moments after they drove away, they heard the howl of the wolves, and heard the screams from the men.
Deer Runner glanced at Lone Wolf. "Mother Nature was swift. And they were not so brave."
"Yes, and justice prevailed." Lone Wolf smiled. "Now Hannah is free to marry me."
Deer Runner touched his shoulder, "It is good."
When they rode back to camp, Black Feather met them.
"How is she?"
"Sleeping peacefully."
Lone Wolf sighed.
"Did you get rid of him?"
"We did. Just as she asked."
Black Feather smiled. "Did you tell her?"
"I did!"
"Good, she will heal now." Black Feather smiled.
Deer Runner jumped down from his horse and grabbed his wife to him, kissing her.
"You have missed me?" she murmured in his ear.
"Very much." He kissed her again. "You are such a good woman… and I love you."