Page 55 of Finding Her
Lucy's eyes took on a faraway look. "He came with a French trapper the first time I met him. I was ten, already adapted to the Indian way of life. He taught me to read and write that summer he stayed in our camp. I fell in love with him then, and that has never changed. Even though I've not seen him in a long while. Every time I do, my heart flutters. I try not to love him, but it has never worked. There will always be something between us."
"How old was he?"
"He was fifteen when he first came to our camp."
"He taught me a lot and I owe him so much."
"When did you see him next?'
"When I was sixteen. My father and I were trapped, my father had stepped in an old bear trap and we took refuge in another cave, much like this one. But I didn't know what to do. I couldn’t' carry him back to camp and so I doctored him the best I could. I thought I'd wait it out for someone to find us. Aiden found us."
"What happened."
"Aiden happened. There he was grown and handsome as ever. And I knew I loved him then. He took my father back to camp and me and for the first time. And then he kissed me. I'd never been kissed."
"He must have made quite an impression."
"A silly girls' impression, yes."
"Love isn't silly, Lucy, it's wonderful."
"He wants me to dress like a white woman, so the people won't make fun of me at the fort."
"That might not be a bad idea. After all, you are white. What's wrong with that? I can help you with that."
"I fear I am crossing a line that I may never cross back to. The Indians have been good to me, all my life, I love them. But I also ache to know the white world too. There is so much I could learn"
"You are white Lucy. Is it fair to turn your back on that side of you because the Indians raised you?"
"I don't know."
"Then, listen to your heart Lucy. You've had some life, and there's more to come, embrace it."
"I have always loved Aiden, but I fear his feelings for me are pity not love."
"You are braver than I have ever been. How can he pity that? When you are in love, it doesn't matter what world you live in. Look at Angus and Pumpkin, they love each other and she's an Indian and he's a white. They are happy. And it shows. I've envied them, they are so close."
"Angus is a trapper, and many trappers marry Indians and it usually works out well. Trappers seldom get to civilization, they seldom see a white woman. It is natural to mate and the Indians and trappers live a lot alike. But Angus and Pumpkin have a very good relationship, so open and honest."
"You can have that too!"
"I love Aiden, but I do not know if he really loves me like I do him. And I would never force the issue on him." Lucy confessed.
"Then make it work, if you love him." Gloria put her hand on hers and smiled as the men came back inside.
The men came back and glanced at them.
"We'll be leaving tomorrow. Angus and Pumpkin are coming with us to the fort." Aiden announced.
But that night they had killed a couple of wild turkeys and were roasting them and as they sat around the fire enjoying it, they heard it.
It was a loud screeching sound of a mountain lion, and it was just above them.
Gloria reached for Frank. Pumpkin's eyes widened.
Angus and Aiden went on alert.
"Cougar," they both shouted at the same time.