Page 72 of Finding Her
"Is she?"
"No, but they don't know that. He's not going to do anything about Custer. And the Sioux will. There is gonna be a big skirmish over this, and he's biding his time to be a hero."
"Is she alright?" Angus whispered.
"Yes, for now, she's at the Ferguson farm. I want you to do me a favor."
"Name it."
"I want a stone for Lucy."
"A stone, I thought she wasn't… "
"She isn't, but if they see I'm having it made they'll begin to believe me."
"Alright, I will. Say, I know that farm you are talking about. The Fergusons. They are good people."
"Lucy is with them. If they hang me, take care of her, will ya? For me!"
"Did you ever tell her how you feel?"
"I did, and if I ever get out of this place, I intend to marry her."
"Hold on boy, I'm gonna get you out of there." Angus told him very quietly. "I won't let them hang you."
"Angus I can't stop what's coming. Sitting Bull will not let this lie. Those smoke signals haven't been going up for nothing. He's building his army, a big one. I'd advise you and the Winters to get out of here."
"Don't you fret none, everything is gonna work out." Angus told him.
"I'd appreciate it, but be careful, don't want them to hang you too." Aiden smiled.
"Don't you fret, we'll get you out." Angus nodded, "See ya later. And I'll get that stone made."
"I'd appreciate it."
"Did you dig a grave?"
"Yeah, I did."
"It's under an oak tree, out in the middle of nowhere, a few miles out of Bozeman I wanted the soldiers to see it and carry word to the Colonel about it. If anything happens to me, will you take care of it?"
"Rest easy boy. Nothing is going to happen to you. But if it did, I would."
"Thanks Angus, doing this is going to solve several problems" He grinned.
"Oh, what problems?" Angus asked.
"First it will eventually convince the Major that she's dead. Second the Indians will be satisfied that she was properly taken care of. Third, and best of all, it will give Lucy the chance to be the woman I know she is. Whether that is white or Indian."
"And you love both sides of her, don't you?"
"I love her more than anything in my life."
"I think you are right about that. I really do, and it's danged clever of you to think of burying her for good. As at the rate she was going, someone was bound to kill her."
"I love her Angus, and I want us to have a life together. And I'll tell you right now, I don't care if she wants to remain Indian or be a white woman, it doesn't matter to me. I've loved her since she was ten, that's never changed, and it never will."