Page 93 of Finding Her
Aiden found the cabin and it was
quite hidden among the trees. He helped her down from the wagon and kissed her solidly on the lips.
He hadn't meant for the kiss to linger but he was so happy and so mesmerized by the beauty of his new bride he couldn't help it.
He pulled away breathlessly, "We better get inside. Go on in I'll put the wagon away. He unharnessed the horses at the lean-to and made sure they had food and water before he went inside. He glanced around at the lovely place that had a little pond on it and lots of beautiful trees.
Glancing at the road he listened for anyone coming down the road, but there was no one. A loon, far off echoed through the air, other birds chirped the tree tops. Spring was nearly upon them and the temperature was pleasant.
Aiden went inside and found Lucy walking around.
"It's beautiful here Aiden," she smiled shyly at him.
"It sure is," his eyes pinned her.
"Someone put a ham on the stove and there's a pot of beans cooked too!" she told him.
His eyes never left hers. "Sounds good."
"Are you hungry?" she asked.
"Yeah…. But not for food." He told her walking up to her slowly so as not to scare her.
"You look so beautiful," he whispered.
"Ma Ferguson did my hair."
He glanced up at the baby's breath and smiled. "It's lovely."
She licked her lips, "I feel bashful Aiden."
He smiled as he looked into her face once more, "Well, don't. It's just me, looking at my beautiful young wife."
"You look very handsome." She said shyly.
He turned and put the wooden bar over the door so no one could come in, unless invited. Then he looked her up and down.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" she tried to chuckled, but it was a nervous chuckle.
"All these years, we've flirted with each other endlessly. But with you and me, it wasn't flirting, it was a mating game. Today, I look at you and it overwhelms me that you are finally mine. Don't ever be afraid of me, Lucy. I'll never hurt you. I want to protect you, take care of you, but most of all…. I want to make love with you."
"I know Aiden, I'm not afraid of you. But… this is all like some dream come true. It was a beautiful wedding. Better than I ever imagined. I want to make you happy Aiden."
He stood just in front of her, his hand going to her cheek now, his thumb stroking her there. "Right now." His eyes sought hers. "I'm the happiest man, you can't imagine. I never thought I could love this hard, this much."
"I know, it's scary isn't it?" Her soft chuckle filled the room, and the tension fled.
"Scary and wonderful all in one." He whispered.
She took his hand now, "Make me yours Aiden… "
She led him into the bedroom. There was a brass bed, with a beautiful handmade quilt on it, flowers were on the table next to it. A bottle of wine and two glasses set beside the flowers.
"They did all of this, for us?" He asked.
"I reckon they did."
She began to undress, and he watched, spellbound by the way she did it. In moments she was naked and standing by the window, waiting for him.