Page 1 of Guilty as Sin
Chapter One
The storm raged, lightning streaked the skies, as claps of thunder made the earth rumble. Shining Moon sought shelter in a nearby barn. He'd traveled many miles and the storm was so strong, it would not allow him to sleep. He thrust open the doors of the barn and went inside shutting them behind him. No one was about, as it was very late at night.
The barn stabled two mules and one horse. The hay smelled a bit musty, from the dampness. He quickly found an empty stall toward the back of the barn and wrestled with the straw to make a bed. He laid his bow and arrow down, along with his blanket, that he carried on his shoulder, on the hay. He took the knife from its scabbard and laid it by his side. In a corner of the stall, he finally went to sleep with the knowledge that he would be gone before dawn.
The next morning early, the sun hadn't peaked out yet, and he was awakened from a sound sleep by voices and opened his eyes. It was a man and a woman voice. They sounded as though they were arguing.
"Stop it Earl, I don't like that." The woman said.
"You gonna stop teasing me and let me touch you." The man asked, with a low throaty voice.
"I mean it Earl, leave me alone." She shouted with a bit of terror in her voice. "I've got work to do. I've got to get my chores done and get to the schoolhouse."
"I'm sure the kids would enjoy a day off. It's time you give me something other than a few kisses. You want me to get what I want from the whores, in town?" Unshaven he scratched her cheek with his sloppy kiss.
"I don't care where you get it, it won't be me." She insisted. "When are you gonna become a real man, Earl Blethe. There's more to life than drinking and carousing."
"Damn you're such a cold little bitch!" he shouted with disgust. "I've had enough of this. If you won't give it to me, I'll take it! You been teasing me too long. It's pay up time."
He reached for her once more, she backed up and her dress ripped right down the front.
Buttons flew everywhere. She gasped unable to believe he did that.
"Look what you've done!" she pulled at her dress now, trying to keep it in place. Panic in her voice had Shining Moon peeking from the stall to see. "Stop it, Earl. I mean it! Go home, get out of here!"
She looked down at her clothes and shrieked. "You and my father are friends, but I don't think even he will let you get by with this!"
Earl threw back his head and chuckled. "Your father will congratulate me, what are you talking about. You think he cares about you? You’re his slave and that's all you are."
"Shut up!" she yelled.
"He says if I broke you in, he might try it himself. Yeah, we had a good laugh over that one." He saw the look of disbelief on her face and laughed. "You really are an old-maid schoolteacher. You act like one, you think like one, but you sure as hell don't look like one. You're still beautiful and I still want you."
Shock riveted through the barn like a wave of hysteria. Shining Moon saw them struggling. He heard her shriek, saw her fight him off.
"I don't want to hear any more of your lies! I've got work to do, why don't you go home and try it yourself?"
"Yeah, work, something you don't do much of, that ranch of yours could sure use some." She spat back, like spewing acid from her tongue.
Earl stared, then yanked on her camisole. She backed away, holding it in place. "Get out, get out now, before you're sorry."
"Or what?" Earl laughed.
"I'm warning you Earl, stay away from me!" She shouted.
Without thought her hand came up and landed hard on his face, the sound of skin hitting skin had Shining Moon edging toward them. The woman's voice was filled with terror and something more.
Shining Moon squatted at the edge of the stall to see them. The man was bending her over a saddle propped on a stall gate. His head was bent, and he was kissing her neck. She was fighting him off, with her fists. He was tall, lean and trying to control her every move. She raised a knee to kick him where it would really hurt, but he stopped her. She was shorter, with darker reddish-brown hair, she had a long-sleeved dark dress on and what looked like work boots.