Page 15 of Guilty as Sin
"You are wrong. Indian women know about war, soldiers come to the camps and kill women and children. So, they are aware of war much more than a white woman would be. But I have no vengeance in my heart. I know that you cannot even a score. What is done, you cannot change. And the Indian will lose the battle with all these wars. I can see this, my tribe cannot."
"I'm sorry. It must be painful for you. I mean her rejection, just because you wanted peace." She told him.
"No, if she thought that, then I did not want her, and it's best I found out before I married her. Trust is the most important thing, even before love. I wanted a God-fearing woman who loved me and trusted me above all."
Lissa stared, "I guess you are right. Trust is important. I don't trust my father, especially when he drinks. I didn't trust Earl. Tell me, did everyone think you a coward?"
"Many did, yes. Get some sleep, we will travel more later."
She nodded then touched his arm. "Just so you know… I don't believe you're a coward. You could have left the barn the moment you heard me and Earl arguing. Instead, you stayed and protected me. You fought for someone you didn't even know. That is bravery."
He stared for a long moment, her gaze met his, and something stirred within him. How could a woman, especially a white woman, who barely knew him trust him so?
He watched her curl up on the ground, pulling her torn dress around her, she closed her eyes and fell asleep almost instantly. He marveled at that. There was no fear of him in her. This softened his heart. It made no sense to him how a white woman could trust him so easily, when she'd been surrounded by men she couldn't. Perhaps that's how she knew the difference. She was quite a woman, and stronger than she knew.
A woman that was guilty could not sleep so easily. This woman was an innocent. He would protect her.
Moon stared for a long while at her. She was a beautiful woman, barely a woman, but very beautiful. He looked upon her, all of her with his gaze. There was more to his taking her with him than he first realized. He could not think on such things. But it would always be there in some corner of his heart. She was such a beautiful little creature. He supposed being alone so long weakened his immunity to women, for something pulled at his heart strings when he looked upon her.
Being alone in this vast land for
so long, could make a person go crazy, he reasoned.
He had no right to look upon her like he was doing but as long as she was asleep, there was no real harm in it.
He needed someone to be with every now and then. Someone to talk to. But why her?
At least she was intelligent.
He knew her father would jump to a lot of conclusions and all of them wrong, and she would feel the brunt of his anger. He did not wish her to be in trouble, especially with her father. But what kind of father did not love his girl child. And what kind of father would ever harm her.
A step-father, that's what she called him! It was a new word that he wrestled with in his mind.
In his tribe many children were orphaned from the many wars they fought. But the children were quickly taken in by other families. They were loved and treated fairly. They barely realized they were not blood kin. Were the white people that different. Could they not love another's child?
What kind of life had she had?
Perhaps he did her a service by taking her away.
The white man might be superior in many ways compared to the Indian, but their lack of feelings for each other astounded him. Their sense of judgement seemed off too, for anyone could see this Earl was not a good man.
She was better off with him, he admitted, for he would never harm her. In fact, he was determined to protect her.
After a couple of hours sleep, he woke her.
She sat up and looked at him, "Did you sleep?" she asked.
"No, I was thinking."
"Oh, figure anything out?"
"We'll go see Jack."
"Your friend, how far away does he live?"
"It will take many moons before we reach his place." He told her.
"Alright. I feel a little better now. I sure did sleep well."