Page 21 of Guilty as Sin
He couldn't believe it. "You do not look that old!" He frowned.
She chuckled. "I am. I'm old enough to be considered an old maid." She raised her head with a slight smile.
"Why do you say this about yourself?"
"Well, most young women marry around eighteen years old. Most have babies by the time they reach my age. So, unfortunately, it puts me as old age material."
"I do not look upon you as an old maid." he told her frowning. "I do not believe that age defines a man or a woman."
"That's very sweet, but I'm afraid that is exactly what I am. Means no man wanted me enough to marry me, and I probably won't have many ask me now." She laughed. "White women turn a certain age without marrying, and white men think they are too old. It's not a written rule, it's just there."
When he still didn't look like he understood she sighed.
"You are not too old, and much too beautiful not to marry… " he blurted.
She blushed at his words. "That was a very nice thing you said, thank you. I've never been around such compliments."
"It is the truth. Did you not know it?"
She stared. "Then if it is, there must be something else that keeps me from marriage."
"You are," he thought a moment, "More independent than most white women, I have seen and met. And somehow more educated than many. Many men are not educated enough, and might feel insecure around you."
"And have you met many old maids?"
"No, I guess I have not. But I notice white women seem more helpless. You seem to want to help yourself."
"That's a coy trick."
"What do you mean?" he frowned turning his head at her statement.
She sighed again and smiled. "Women seem helpless so that the man will pay attention and help them. It is a lure, like the worm on the hook of a fishing pole." She chuckled.
He nodded slowly, his understanding. "A mating trick."
"That's the idea." She chuckled. "Not all women, but some are very good at trickery."
"I see." He smiled. "And is your stumbling around the forest a trick?"
"No," she laughed. "That's just clumsiness." She chuckled, "that and these boots. I've always been a bit clumsy, but I have learned to adapt to it. It doesn't bother me, but mainly the people I'm around."
"You do not use trickery on men?" he asked with a smile.
She seemed to think on that, like everything he asked. "I don't want a man I have to trick. It's that simple. And quite possibly why I am not married. White women try to act helpless to catch a man. But once he is caught and they marry, she must change and be independent. She will run his home, do his laundry, have his children, all without guidance from him. I seek honesty in a person."
"You think a lot, don't you?"
"Most of the time, yes. Too much I suppose." She sighed heavily. "I think I'm rather boring to others."
She ate her jerky, drank her coffee and folded the blanket up once more.
But a rifle shot made her move to his side and grab his arm. "What should we do?"
"Can you climb?"
"Climb what?"
"The tree." He nodded.