Page 39 of Guilty as Sin
"Do you like animals?" he asked her as he pulled her easily along the rocky ledges.
"Most of them, I guess. I love rabbits and squirrels, I like to watch them. Every now and then I would catch an otter playing at the creek, they are so cute. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty eating the rabbits, but they are tasty. Some I'm afraid of. I like horses and dogs best. I never liked cats though. They are sneaky and hard to train."
"Did you have a pet back home?" he asked just to make conversation as they walked along the rockier parts of the country.
"Dancer was my horse's name. She was a fine mare. Do you have a horse?"
"Not at the moment I don't. I rode one of the mustangs then sold it. Jack has a stubborn mule, and two wolves he's trained to be civil."
"Wolves?" she questioned.
"Yes, I wanted to warn you of them. They are trained not to bite anyone but the bad people."
She chuckled, "Can they spot a bad person?"
"Pretty much." He smiled. "It is said by my people if you talk with the animals, they will eventually come to you and understand you, but if you don't try to talk to them, then your fears will overcome you."
"That is strange. I did talk to Dancer often. What did he name the wolves'?" She asked, holding his hand tightly now as they edged across territory that was more treacherous.
"Cole and Cody."
"What odd names for wolves." She chuckled.
"He named them after his two brothers that he didn't like." Moon chuckled.
"He didn't like his brothers?" she asked softly.
"No, they both made something of themselves and thought him too ignorant."
"That is sad. Everyone is different. I have learned that true wisdom and intelligence can come in many forms. Some know nature better than others. Some have talents, like tracking, trapping, mining, ranching, even playing a piano is a talent."
"Yes, I'm beginning to realize that myself." He told her.
"Can you play a piano?"
> "No, I'm afraid the only thing I can play is a flute."
"A flute?" she smiled. "I wish I could play something to make music."
"I make my own flutes, most of my tribe can play them and make them." He told her. "That and drums."
"Music is a luxury to me."
"Can you sing?"
"Yes, but not well. Just enough to enjoy it."
He smiled, "It is to be enjoyed, to feed your soul. It does not matter the sound, what matters
is that you express your feelings in them."
"I knew a man once who played a harmonica, it was so pretty. I used to sit on top a pickle barrel and listen to him on Saturdays when we'd go to town. He'd play so many songs for the kids in town. My favorites were Shenandoah and Beautiful Dreamer."
He smiled. "Come on, we better move on."
He took her hand and squeezed it to assure her.
Then suddenly they ran into a huge hornet's nest and surprising them they came out of their cocoon. He grabbed her and pulled her close against the rocks. Shielding her from all harm.