Page 43 of Guilty as Sin
"Yes, it's easier."
"I kind of like that myself. So, Moon killed this Earl fella that was attacking you."
"Yes," Moon explained. "And then another followed us, sent by her father and she killed him, to protect me. That's how I got such a bad wound on my arm."
"My God girl, you got some sand about you. So now what, Moon?"
"I don't know. We haven't thought things out too far." He told him. "We were too busy trying to get here."
"Well hell son, she's a white girl and anyone catching you with a white girl is gonna assume some very bad things. At least strangers that don't know you would."
"I realize that, but I couldn't leave her there to face the consequences alone, could I? I did kill Earl, and she killed the other man to protect me."
"Now hold on son. I didn't say that. But we gotta figure out what to do about this and quick. They could show up any time."
"Not many know of this place." Moon told him.
"Well, that's true, and that's a good thing. But what are you gonna do if they do find it?"
"I'm not sure what to do, Jack. I don't want to kill them, but I don't want them hurting her."
Jack glanced at her and then him. "Maybe the two of you ought to get married."
"Married?" Moon shrieked.
Lissa mouth fell open in shock.
"That might set them off more." Moon told him.
"Yeah, it might. But son, in their eyes you are both guilty as sin of something else. Whether you done anything or not. And you surely know what I'm talking about. You been traipsing through the woods and hills with her for some time now, I take it. Night and day. You think they are gonna believe anything but that you took her as your own Marriage would give you an out in that case."
Moon nodded, "Yes, you are right about that."
Jack reared back in his chair. "Won't nothing be decided today. You two are both worn out and you need to rest. What happened to your arm?"
"The man she shot stabbed me. That's why she killed him. She saved my life."
"Let's take a look at that," Jack insisted once he was done eating.
"Yep it's festering some. Gotta cauterize that now."
"I figured." Moon sighed.
"Lissa, maybe you should go in the bedroom back there and lay down. You look plumb tuckered out." Jack told her.
"I guess I am. I didn't realize how tired I was until we stopped running."
"You can sleep in there and me and Moon will sleep in here on the floor. I got plenty of blankets."
"Thank you." She said and shot Moon a glance and went to lie down.
"She shore is a pretty little thing."
"Yes, she is."
"I can see what's in your eyes son. Don't know if she can, but it is the same in hers too."