Page 55 of Guilty as Sin
"Maybe if she had something to live for, she would." Jack smiled at him.
Chapter Ten
"Where are we going?" Lissa asked when they helped her up on Moon's new horse, and they walked for what seemed like forever. They climbed up into what looked like a canyon, and it was a long way. The rocky canyon that formed a huge arch stood majestically in front of them now, and she saw it from the distance.
"What is that?" she asked breathlessly.
"It is what we call our Holy Rock. It is where Jack and I come to pray."
She perked up and smiled, "Oh!"
They led her to it and Moon helped her down.
She followed them to the arch where they looked around at the valley below. It was such a lovely place, Lissa was enchanted.
"It's beautiful here. It's like stepping up in the heavens. You have to know there is a God when you look at something so beautiful."
The rocks were orange and reds and yellows, creating a rainbow effect.
"I can see why it is a holy place." She smiled.
"Yes, one of God's finest creations." Jack told her.
"You can pray here, for anything. God answers, in his time." Moon told her.
"Thank you!" she told him. "And thank you for bringing me. How did you find this place?"
"We've traveled this area for a long time. Actually, we found it the first time we went gold digging. And I guess you could say, we did find gold here!" Jack smiled.
She sat at the arch and closed her eyes and for a long time she didn't open them. She let the sounds around her surround her. The wind echoed a lonely tune. The sun bore down on them. She breathed deeply and smiled. Moon stared, admiring her beauty as she wasn't watching. Even as a man she was beautiful.
He had a prayer he had to pray too. He prayed he had the strength not to touch her, to love her.
She didn't want to mar this time with too much thinking. She wanted to connect with God and perhaps he had all the answers she would need. It was a peaceful place, Lissa felt it as she sat there. Almost like a church, she felt God's presence here. Really felt it. Had the earth itself shaken her, she would not be afraid here.
Her parents had taken her to church as a child, but when her real father died that stopped, and she never went again. She could barely remember it. But her mother taught her from the good book, and she talked to God a lot as a child.
Lately Moon had watched her too often. His desire grew for her and he whispered a prayer that he would not give into the temptation. Still, he longed to make her his, and yet he could not tell her, as she would not be safe as a woman. He was sure of that.
Jack moved around and by the end of the day they had all prayed to the Creator. There was a peace that surrounded them now, as though coming to pray calmed them.
They camped not far from there and as Jack and Moon built the fire for the evening, Lissa stared at the arch in awe. From a distance it was just as beautiful. In the setting sun it was even more beautiful the rocks turning colors in the sunset.
"It's so peaceful here." She murmured. "I have never seen anything so beautiful in all my life, even the churches aren't this beautiful." she told Moon as he joined her. "Have you?"
"Only one thing."
"Oh, what could surpass something like this?" she asked staring at its splendor.
"You," he whispered.
She glanced at him in shock. He hadn't said much lately, and t
his startled her. He hadn't touched her in weeks, and she ached to be in his arms once more. But she sensed it was not what he was thinking, and she decided it was best if she'd try to forget what had happened between them. They were still friends, and that was something.
She blushed from his compliment but said nothing.
"Tell me, what did you pray for?" he asked.