Page 59 of Guilty as Sin
"I work for him. I keep the place clean and do the cooking and feed the animals." She replied. "No, I hadn't known him long."
"No kiddin' does he pay you fer it?"
"No, just room and eats."
The man nodded. "So, how'd you meet him?"
"I was kind of down on my luck when I met Jack, I was traipsing the woods and he stumbled onto me."
"Where you from?"
"Oh yeah, that's a pretty lively town. Was there once back in '66. Full of whores and drunks."
Lissa relaxed a little as this man swallowed her story easily.
"Too rowdy for me." She told him.
"It's that alright. If your prone to like the quiet life, it ain't the right place to be, that's for sure."
"You a drinkin' man?" he asked.
"I take a nip every now and then," she nodded.
"Good, I got some in my flask, it's a home brew, try some."
Lissa wasn't prepared for this, but she couldn't back down now. He'd get suspicious.
"Sure," she took the flask and took a big swallow of it.
When she handed it back to him, she coughed like crazy.
He hit her a time or two on the back, "You okay buddy? It is a might strong when you don't drink much."
She barely got her voice back, "You can say that again." Her voice almost failed her.
He chuckled.
"Ran into these two brothers up the mountain a ways, they make corn liquor all the time. Place smells like it too. I always get me some when I'm close."
"I ain't had no homemade in a long while," Lissa shook her head. But the whiskey was roiling in her stomach.
Finally, Jack came in and looked surprised that his old friend was talking to Lissa.
"Well Corky, of all the people I expected to see. How you doin' boy?"
"Pretty good. Got a timber load delivered to the mill, thought I'd stop off and see ya. Just getting to know your friend here."
"You've met Lester, that's good. See he got ya some coffee. Well, I haven't seen you in a coon's age. How are things up the mountain?"
"Same, old Fletcher he caught a log and got killed on the plume."
"No kiddin', I hate to hear that. Did he have a wife and kids?"
"Yeah six kids." Corky told him.
"That's a shame."