Page 68 of Guilty as Sin
Cole yelped. Moon laughed. "Come on boy."
It was nightfall when he got to the fort. He ran into some of the scouts and bedded down with them. He knew a couple of them, he'd worked with them before.
Most of the scouts petted Cole, but some hung back a little afraid of the animal. Cole went to lay down by the door, and they all caught up on news from home. Moon sometimes missed his tribe and any news was good. He was told there was many rumblings about not getting their fair share of blankets through the winter and the food was scarce too. Moon felt bad for his people, but his mission was to get Lissa. Since his father died, he had little reason to go back to the reservation.
The next morning, he went to the General store and browsed for an Indian dress. He found two that looked as though they would fit her, so he bought them. One was a plain deer skin and one was a beautiful white deerskin with beads and quills all over it. It was perfect for their wedding he decided.
He was taking a lot for granted, but if her kisses were any clue to how she felt, he had everything to look forward too.
But as he was leaving the fort, one of the scouts called him over. They talked a few minutes and he was about to head out again when he saw her. It was Lissa, She was in a skirt and blouse, and her hair flowed down her back. She looked beautiful. His heart nearly stopped.
"Who is that," he asked the scout.
"Someone new, she stopped in the fort some days ago, took in wash to make enough money for a stagecoach ride. She'll be leaving soon, I'm told.'
"She is beautiful."
"Yes," his Indian friend chuckled. "You've been without a woman too long my friend, she's white."
"I guess I have."
"Too bad we no longer take white captives, my friend."
"Yes, I guess it is." Moon smiled. "It doesn't matter, I'm about to get married anyway."
"Well, I haven't asked yet, but I'm pretty sure how she feels."
"That's great."
He had to figure a way to approach Lissa without drawing suspicion to himself.
When she moved toward the back of the barracks to hang the clothes he followed.
"Lissa?" he called softly.
Lissa whirled around to find him standing in the shade of a tree. She stared a long moment, as though she might be seeing things.
"Moon?" she shrieked. "What are you doing here." Her voice held surprise. She walked slowly over to him. She stared unbelievingly at him. A hand reached to touch her cheek and she laid her cheek against it.
"I came to find you." He spoke softly so as not to attract attention.
Cole saw her and raced toward her. She couldn’t help herself she bent to pet him. "Oh Cole," she sighed, then shot Moon a glance. "So, this is how you found me."
"He's the best tracker." Moon smiled as he came a bit closer, but not too close.
"You shouldn't have followed me." She whispered.
"That sounds like something I've said to you before." He chuckled. "I had to find you. We are in this together, Lissa. Remember?"
Another woman came around. "I'll talk to you tonight."
"Out behind that end building there." She pointed.
He nodded and walked off.