Page 72 of Guilty as Sin
"It was, but we can't act upon it right now." He told her. "This is not the place."
"Yes, of course."
She smiled for the first
time at him and sighed, he was always thinking of the consequences. "Moon," she put her hand on his now. "I thought I was a little too obvious about how I felt. I though myself a bit too bold. I figured you guessed it for yourself. I felt things with you I never felt before with anyone, but I wasn't sure how you felt. I didn’t want to be a burden to you or to Jack. But there is one thing you must know."
"I am listening," he said not looking directly at her.
"You stole my heart with the first kiss. You protected me, and I was honored. You let me come with you, and I was grateful, but when you kissed me… I fell in love with the man you are, Moon. Being Indian had nothing to do with my feelings for you. You are a man, a great man, and I am a woman. And you treated me like one. How could I not fall in love with you Moon!"
He took her hands and kissed them, his gaze connecting with hers now. It was the slow way he kissed them, the way he didn't seem to want to let go of her that made her swoon.
"That is all I need to know." He said in a breathless whisper and backed away. "Go now, I will follow the stagecoach tomorrow."
She nodded and walked back to the dance hall. She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him and smiled.
Moon watched her, his heart beating like a drum. She looked so lovely. And her words filled him.
Still, even with all the love that was flowing between them, he had to concentrate on getting things done. First, he would get her away from the stagecoach, then he had to find a Catholic Church that would marry them. Then he would take her home where she belonged and never let her go again. The words she spoke filled him with pride and love. He wanted to say so much to her, but there would be another time, a better time for doing so. Now that he knew she loved him, nothing was impossible.
Cole followed him back to the barracks where the scouts slept.
"Thought you were leaving." Joe Blue Knife told him.
He was a good scout, and around the same age as Moon. He was from the Southern Arapaho, but they had a lot in common. Joe spoke English as well as he did, and he was accustomed to the white's ways.
Moon smiled, "I am leaving tomorrow, but I might as well get a good night's sleep first."
Joe nodded, "Any time you want a job here, let me know. The pay isn't bad."
"Thank you, I might take you up on that someday." Moon told him. "I work with a miner most of the time and do some mustanging around the mountains."
"You can make good money with the mustangs." Joe nodded.
"Yes, it pays well."
"You gonna get that squaw?" Joe chuckled.
"As a matter of fact, I am, very soon."
"Well, so you are settling down then?"
"Yes, it is time."
"I wish I could find a squaw, most of them live at the reservation, and I don't go there very often. I kind of like some of the white girls around here too, the ones in the saloon are very friendly and they don't care if your Indian either."
"Say, you know where I might find a Catholic church around close?"
"Catholic Church, you go to their church?"
"No, my friend back home does, but he wanted me to say a prayer for him there. He's been down in his back this past year." Moon lied. "I promised him I would do it."
"Oh well, there's St. Christopher's down in the valley. It's not that far, I can hear the bells ringing from it on Sundays from here."
"That's good to know. I'll go there then. I promised him."
"Hope he gets well."