Page 11 of Stolen Heart
Still this revelation had her looking at her friend differently now. She hadn't realized just how much Naomie loved Big Knife. But in her heart Sasha did not like this conversation. She believed the white man's religion that one woman and one man were to be one. She had gone to mission school and studied it. It was in the book, the book they called the bible. And she had become Christian at the mission.
A crowd was building outside, and they went out to watch.
Big Knife saw her and frowned.
Did he think she had encouraged this battle? From the look on his face he did. She wished she could explain.
The ceremony was beginning, a great dance took place, much music. Black Wolf looked around for Sasha. When she came out, he smiled.
Naomie got lost in the crowd, as Sasha's glance followed her. Big Knife was looking at her now. Naomie was headed straight for Big Knife. Sasha frowned that Naomie would run to Big Knife in front of her like that.
She saw Big Knife touch Naomie's hand and look lovingly into her eyes. They were so entranced with each other. Jealousy sparked in Sasha's eyes but she turned away so she could not see them.
Yes, Naomie would marry Big Knife if he asked her. She was sure of that now. And the realization hit her strongly.
Black Wolf walked over to her.
"You came!" she exclaimed, her face a wad of frowns.
"I did." He smiled.
"He is much taller than you."
"Yes, I see that."
"Are you not afraid of him?" she asked.
"No, size does not always matter." Black Wolf smiled at her.
Throwing his shirt down to the ground, he readied himself for the battle.
She stared at his body, her eyes going slowly over him. It shocked her that she looked at him so boldly. From the long hair that was loosen down his shoulders and back, to his well-built body. His arms were muscled, and his stomach was very lean. He was more handsome than Big Knife, especially in his face. And his smile did things to her when she looked directly at him. The trick was not to look at him like that.
After the dance and the ceremony was blessed, Black Wolf and Big Knife squared off. Their wrists were tied together and they each had a knife in the opposite hand.
It was a challenge to the death if necessary.
Big Knife was a big man and Black Wolf would have to depend on his agility to win this battle. He measured the man closely. Big Knife seemed angry that an enemy would walk into his camp and challenge him for a wife. The look on his face was murderous.
Sasha somehow felt responsible for this. It wasn't in her nature to cause such a thing. She wished the stranger had never done this.
After rounds and rounds of thrusts, sweat poured from them. They staggered against each other several times. Big Knife brought the first blood, but Black Wolf seemed unaffected. And Black Wolf was light on his feet and dodged most of Big Knife's thrusts.
The battle lasted for over an hour, with each man besting the other over and over. Black Wolf thought it would never end when suddenly Big Knife nearly keeled over with pain as Black Knife finally was able to best him and slashed his ribs. It wasn't a deep wound, but it brought blood and either Big Knife was too worn out to go on, or he was not in as good of shape as Black Wolf suspected. Black Wolf watched him closely, he felt Big Knife had deliberately given up and wondered why.
Exhaustion claimed Big Knife and he fell to his knees, looking up at Sasha who was wide-eyed with grief.
The old chief came up to Black Wolf. "You have fought bravely and won. You may take my daughter, as she is yours. Take her, and do not come upon us again except in peace."
"You turn your back on me father?" Sasha asked.
"No," Her father touched her cheek affectionately. "I will never do that, child. I bless this union, my daughter as he fought bravely for you and brought such a prize of fifteen horses for your hand. He has honored you with his gift. He has earned his right to you. And he has offered marriage for you, as he should." He told her. "You are duty bound as my only daughter to go with him. For you would bring shame upon me if you refused him now."
Black Wolf nodded, then he turned his attention to Sasha, he took her by the arm and led her away.
The crowd spread out and let them pass, with whispers going around the camp.
He had brought her a beautiful white horse to ride away on, and he slid up behind her.