Page 21 of Stolen Heart
"But father… "
"Go where you belong now. You are better off with Black Wolf."
"Oh father, how can you say such a thing?"
"It is the truth child. Now go."
Sasha cried, seeing how her father had turned on Big Knife so quickly. She did not understand. And yet, the fact that everyone seemed to know that he favored Naomie made her doubt Big Knife a little. She had planned to marry him. How could she turn away from him so easily now? Surely her father was mistaken.
She walked toward his tepee, but it was dark and obviously Big Knife was asleep. She ached to talk with him and find out if all of this were true.
She walked her horse a ways, then mounted and rode like thunder for the Shoshone camp. If they discovered her gone, she'd become Black Wolf's slave, not his wife.
She could easily have ridden away, but where would she go? She knew one thing instinctively; Black Wolf would protect her, and knowing it, gave her some relief.
She studied on her father's words to her. Big Knife wanted war with the blue coats. She knew that, she had heard him speak to the younger warriors in camp. That was not a good thing, and she had to admit it. She knew he was not satisfied with the peace, but she never thought Big Knife would go against her father. And even her father thought Big Knife loved Naomie.
Did he? Would he marry her now? The thought of the two of them marrying had Sasha doubting her own love for Big Knife. It wasn't that she suddenly quit loving him, but that she doubted him now. Doubt had never been a part of their relationship. And not only Big Knife but Naomie too. Obviously Naomie had left out the part that she was very in love with Big Knife too.
She had to get back before anyone saw her leave. She'd have plenty of time to think about Big Knife and Naomie later.
As she came back to camp, she hobbled her horse and went back inside the tepee. No one seemed awake and she lay down and cried the rest of the night.
What was she going to do now?
Compare Black Wolf had told her. If Big Knife had never kissed her like Black Wolf, what did it mean? She felt so childish and ignorant when it came to love.
She had to think for herself now, but it was hard to imagine Big Knife's loyalties. If he truly wanted war, and her father knew it, then there would be trouble here. And if he truly loved Naomie, where did her own loyalty lie?
Chapter Six
The next morning Sasha got up and helped Little Fawn prepare the meal and afterward Black Wolf came to get her.
"So, what are we going to do today?" She asked him, her enthusiasm brightening as they walked together.
"Today, we are going to get to know each other better. Although it is just one day, it will be filled with knowledge of one another."
She nodded, "How will we accomplish that? I mean, all in one day?"
He smiled into her questioning face. "We will talk, and eat, and spend time together." He encouraged. "We can ask questions and learn from each other."
"Fine," she said trying hard to push the feeling of resignation away. It all seemed rather hopeless to her, but she didn’t argue the point. Her mind was on her father's words and she wondered if she should share what she learned with Black Wolf.
Still she felt as though that would be a betrayal to Big Knife.
Black Wolf picked up a basket from his tepee and they went far away from the camp, on foot to a very pretty waterfall site. The water made beautiful music. There was much wildlife here and vegetation. It reminded her of the garden of Eden in the bible. Was it like this?
He took a blanket and spread it on the ground and invited her to join him.
She sat and waited, trying to forget about last night. It was almost impossible though.
"We, my family have lived in this area most of our lives. I have three sisters and a brother. I will introduce you to my family tomorrow, but today is for us." He explained.
"How big a family do you come from Sasha?"
"I have a brother. He is older and married with three children." She answered, as her mind wandered. "We are very close."
"I met your father, but not your mother." He told her.