Page 37 of Stolen Heart
Black Wolf was a stranger, he was not the man she loved, and yet, she responded to him like no other. She responded to his words, his wisdom, and the way he treated her so differently.
They slept on different sides of the fire. But that night she tossed and turned and fretted, even in her sleep.
She saw Big Knife in her dreams, and she ran to him and suddenly it was Black Wolf and he was kissing her passionately. She moaned aloud. How could he rouse those feelings inside her and not Big Knife?
She woke up and Black Wolf was staring at her, "Are you alright?" He asked.
"Just had a dream." She told him.
"Must have been some dream." He said softly.
"Y-yes, yes it was." She answered, giving him a second glance.
"Was it a nightmare?" he asked.
"Not exactly, no!" she blurted.
"Are you afraid here?"
"No, of course not."
"Something seems to have upset you."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
"I wasn't asleep." He told her, staring through the fire at her.
"Can't you sleep?"
"I'm a bit restless, I'll admit."
The urge to go into his arms, made her almost get up, but she stilled her urges. It would not be wise until she understood her feelings better. He was so handsome with no shirt on, his muscles stood out in the firelight, his eyes held hers.
Why did she look at him like that? Then it hit her, she found him very attractive. But she hadn't told him that. "You are a very good-looking man." She whispered.
He smiled, "I'm glad you think so."
"Goodnight," She murmured.
"Goodnight my sweet." He told her softly again.
Why did he have to be so sweet to her? Why did he have to be so handsome? Why couldn't she get him out of her head, her dreams?
She closed her eyes and willed herself to be still and go to sleep. But she tossed and turned for some time before sleep overcame her.
The next morning she was up early and fixing them some coffee and food.
He washed up and went outside for a while.
It was good that he did, as the tepee seemed to shrink when he was around. Her heart pounded so loudly when he was close. She tried to understand, but it was all so new to her.
She fixed them a good breakfast and he told her he would take her out to the woods today.
She liked getting out of the tepee, it was too closed in, and she'd make a fool of herself if he stayed with her much longer. Facing the truth with Big Knife made her face her own weaknesses.
"Have you ever hunted?" He asked out of the blue.
"No, I haven't."