Page 4 of Stolen Heart
"I guess one would say so, yes." She nodded as she kept sewing his wound.
"Does your heart swell when he kisses you?"
"I do not think this is an appropriate question to ask me." She moved away to look into his smiling face. "You are obviously trying to shock me."
"I have made you blush?"
She moved away now, "There, you are sewn now. Have your Shaman check your wound in a few days."
"We no longer have a Shaman or medicine man." He said dully, his face turning a bit white.
"I am sorry. Why not?"
"They were killed by a Sioux. One of the reason we fought so hard today." He explained. "And won."
"Surely you have someone to take care of the wounded."
"Yes, of sorts." He muttered. "You did not answer if your promised is gentle."
She looked quite seriously at him. "As gentle as most warriors are." She shrugged.
"It is a pity." He remarked, not looking at her now.
"What is?"
"A woman like you should be treated well."
"He treats me well, and I'll thank you not to bring this up again." She sent him a scowl.
"You're an innocent, are you not?"
"That's…. "
"None of my business." He grinned. "But I already know the answer to that too. The sweet pink blush to your cheeks says much about you. What a treasure you are."
"That's enough of this talk," she stomped away.
He laughed.
Chapter Two
Black Wolf thought about the maiden who challenged his every word. Something about her called to him. But he regretted that she loved another. It might be a real challenge to win her love, but he knew she was the right one for him.
For the first time in his thirty years, he was excited about a woman. And he turned to his faithful friend, Bear Paw to tell him.
"I have met her, my friend." Black Wolf declared as he watched Bear Paw catch a nice size trout from the Snake River.
Bear Paw put the fish on a string and set him in the water to add to it for his supper. "Who have you met?"
"The woman of my dreams."
Bear Paw chuckled, then looked straight at his friend, "You have?"
"Yes, she's beautiful, bey
ond compare. She's smart, and she is sassy. And I already love her."
"You are gushing like a young boy who goes on his first hunt."