Page 46 of Stolen Heart
"Leave me, I do not wish to hear any more." Naomie hollered.
"Remember one thing, the Creator will not let you go unpunished for your deed." Sasha told her.
"Get out!" Naomie shouted.
"You will not be with child, always!" Sasha shot her a last glance.
Sasha went back to her aunt and cried. "I don't know why I ever befriended her."
"She has lost a great friend in you and someday she will see it, and it will be too late." Minola told her.
Chapter Thirteen
Black Wolf and his men scoured the mountainside several times finding tracks but always it led to circles. Frustrated he stopped and spoke with his men. Then Nakota showed up.
"He is leading us in circles."
"Yes, I agree." They camped together to figure out how to best Big Knife.
"He's very clever," Black Wolf acknowledged.
"He's been a great tracker for years now." Nakota admitted. "One of our best, I'm sorry to say."
"We're just going to have to outsmart him." Black Wolf told him.
"I agree. I must think on some of his tactics he has used before. He's in these mountains, we know that. And we'll find him."
"What do you think his plan is?" Black Wolf asked.
"To confuse us and keep us off his trail. But at some point, he will have to stop and make plans for this war he wants so badly."
"Do you think he influenced Naomie to kill your father?"
"Yes, I'm sure of it. Sasha believes this too. But at some point, Naomie will come after him. She is insanely crazy about him. I am sure she knows where he is and will go to him. Since we know she poisoned our father, she will flee the tribe and come after him. For the more that know of her deeds, the more the others of the tribe will hate her and scorn her and want to kill her for Walking Bear was much loved by his people. They will not soon forget." Nakota seemed to be thinking all the time he was talking.
"It is true. Then perhaps we should await her arrival, for it shouldn't be long… "
Nakota broke a stick in his hand and frowned, "You are right, we are wasting our time. She'll lead us right to him, I’m sure of it."
"I agree." Black Wolf nodded. "I am sorry about your father."
"Yes, as am I. From the look on Sasha's face, I could tell she could do little to help him. Perhaps make him comfortable for the end. But that is not all, there is many lies between her and Naomie. It is not a good thing."
"I hated leaving her to take care of her father, knowing he probably would not live." Black Wolf hung his head.
"Perhaps you won't have to." Nakota said.
"What do you mean?"
"There is no telling how long Naomie might hang around down there. She is safe for the moment and knows it. She has a few friends left there, though. If you went back to be with Sasha, maybe she would take it that you gave up looking for him and come sooner. Sasha needs a cool head around her right now. She suffers from the same thing I do, a growing hate for Big Knife and Naomie. She needs you. If you could leave your men and they could stay and help me watch for Naomie's arrival, maybe you could flush her out and she'd come up here to be with him."
"You are right. She could lead you right to him. My only concern is can you keep yourself from killing him?"
"Yes, I want him shamed before our people. I want them to see that he hides, and he runs from what he has done. That he is responsible for the death of my father, the betrayal of my sister, and that war will not help our people, but harm them. But, I'll admit, it will be hard for me to restrain myself. Each passing day I feel the anger growing stronger inside me."
"Yes my brother, for I too wish to put my hands around his lying neck and take the life from his body."