Page 50 of Stolen Heart
"Y-yes, yes I do, why?"
"Because I will do everything in my power to get that girl to leave here. We can't find him, he's got a stronghold in the mountains, we tracked him there, but we cannot find the location yet. And she is the only answer. In the heavy snows it makes things much more difficult. She knows where he is. I must make her leave here and I must follow so we can capture him. He might be stove up in some cave, as his tracks lead in circles always. We want to bring them both to the elders of the tribe and let them pronounce their punishment. But there is a chance if there is a battle for the guns, then the army might take him to the fort. In that case he would hang."
"And how would you do that?" Sasha asked.
"Any way I can, do you understand." He stared once more into her eyes.
She hung her head, "Yes, I do understand. He has caused many problems with the tribes and stirs up trouble for you and my brother. And," she seemed to consider her words before speaking. "I am sure Naomie poisoned my father because Big Knife wanted her to."
Black Wolf nodded, still watching her closely.
"I know you love him Sasha, but he must face what he has done."
"No, I do not love him." She blurted.
"You don't?" he asked softly.
"No," She could not look at him and tell him. "It has taken me longer to grow up without a mother's wisdom, but I have realized what I felt for him was a true friendship, more than love. I never had a man pay much attention to me. Like you, I am the daughter of a chief and that's how the men of my tribe saw me. So when he paid attention, I was flat
"That I can understand." He agreed. Then he pulled her chin around to face him, "but why now?"
"Several reasons, Naomie opened my eyes to the fact that he was considering us both for a wife. I did not like that. Then you came into my life. I am your wife now and it is time to put away childish things. And lastly, I realize that the love I carried for him was a childish kind of love, and I am a woman now."
Black Wolf smiled, "And how do you feel about me?"
She stared into his eyes. Her heart pounded loudly, "I respect you, and you have treated me well. You give me courage and hope for the future. I agree Big Knife and Naomie must face their treachery. I want them brought to justice as much as you or Nakota does."
"I'm glad you respect me, but is that all?" He asked, his brows meeting in a frown.
"No!" she rushed to say. "But I do not want to rush into our marriage like a child. I want to make sure that what I feel is real."
"And what do you feel, Sasha?"
"The first time you kissed me, I was shocked, at how it made me feel. I never felt like that before. I did not trust you then and I was a little afraid to trust my feelings."
"And now?"
"I want to say the words to you, but I also want to be sure."
"I understand."
"So you have given up on Big Knife?"
Sasha studied his expression, then a soft smile lit her lips. "Yes, I have. I-I do not love him. I think we only grew too familiar with each other. But he loves Naomie, truly. The word love is confusing, but I am learning quickly that it comes in many forms."
"I am glad you have put him away from you." He said huskily. "I hadn't expected that so soon from you."
"It is not hard when your eyes are opened. But Wolf, I am afraid for you. Naomie is an evil, vile woman, and you must be careful around her. She is a beautiful woman and might try to seduce you to throw you off track."
"If she's really pregnant, I don't think she will try that. As she would want to marry Big Knife." His smile widened. "Besides, it would do no good. As I am only interested in my wife."
Sasha blushed.
"Have no fear of that my sweet. I do not seek her for myself. I know you speak the truth. But I don't want her around you or Nakota's wife and family. In fact, I don't like her being here at all. Pregnant or not, she could still hurt you. Any of you. Once a person gets away with murder, it is easier each time. They grow bolder."
She shook her head, "I have searched my soul, and now I begin to understand. The love I had for Big Knife he has ruined. I do not have any feelings left for him, and of that I am very sure. And she can't hurt me, anymore. In some ways I pity her. She killed my father, and I went to the sweat lodge to get rid of the hate inside me for her. I prayed to the Creator to give me strength to heal my father, but he was too far gone, the poison was too powerful. But I no longer hate, I'm just indifferent to them both."