Page 54 of Stolen Heart
"Your kisses make me ache for something I have never had. The way you look at me sometimes, melts my heart. But I haven't known you that long."
"How long does it take, because I fell in love the moment, I met you!"
"Can it happen that fast?"
"Apparently not with you!" he said and stomped back to the tepee.
She'd made him angry. She'd never seen him angry. What was she to do? He was her husband, and rightfully, she should make love with him. Still, she didn't know how, and apparently, she couldn't just blurt it out to him.
She sat there and cried.
She'd lost her father, whom she loved dearly, she'd lost Big Knife whom she didn't really love, and now, she was losing her husband all because she couldn't let her heart guide her.
An hour later she came back to the tepee, she'd cried her eyes out and felt ashamed.
"I am sorry," she murmured to his back.
"It is fine, Sasha, I didn't mean to raise my voice to you. I let my pride get in my way."
"Your pride?" she asked.
"Sure, I married a woman who didn't love me. I knew that when I married you. But I thought it would grow… Even without Big Knife in our way, it hasn't."
She bent her head and cried.
"Good night, Sweet One," he said and laid down to go to sleep.
She watched him and went to her side of the fire and laid down. She was so miserable.
She turned the other way, so he could not see her. She cried more.
What could she do?
Then it hit her. She knew. She knew what to do!
She stood up and took her clothes off and slowly walked over to him.
He had his eyes closed, but she cleared her throat and he opened an eye. When he saw her standing there naked, both eyes popped open.
"Sasha, what… are you doing?"
"I'm ready now," she whispered with a shy smile.
"Ready for what?" His voice rasp.
"To make love to my husband." She said, again shyly.
He raised up on an elbow, "Why?" he asked again with a rasp.
"Because," she swallowed hard, trying not to lose her courage, "despite the short time I've known you, you've been nothing but kind. You've complimented me, kissed me into heaven, and protected me. You gave me flowers, and no one has ever given me flowers. I cannot help myself, I'm in love with you. And… if I'm honest, I knew it the minute I saw you come home to me today."
She was on her knees now "So—If you still want me, I am ready now!" she said softly.
"You're ready?" He asked with surprise, as he let the words hang in the air.
"Y-yes" Seeing his look of pure surprise she babbled on. "I-I mean, I've missed you so, and feared for you and my brother. When my father died, I wished you were here. And when I saw you, I-I… "
He reached for her again and this time he picked her up in his arms and sat her in his lap, then he kissed her. It was a hot needy kiss, and she answered his unasked question with her own fire.