Page 91 of Stolen Heart
"The Sioux." The General told him.
"We ran into a Sioux camp up the mountain, it was a large camp."
"Wind River Valley is a peaceful place, but I'm afraid there are many Sioux that are bitter from the way Custer treated them. My only hope is that they find some satisfaction in winning the Battle of the Little Bighorn."
"Custer was a hard foe, sir." Nakota agreed.
"Yes, it is strange isn't it. Some battles make heroes of people. Only the ones involved and people like us that are close enough to see what really happened will know the full truth of the matter." The General told them.
"Perhaps we can all learn from other's mistakes, General." Black Wolf told him.
"I agree. We can."
Chapter Twenty-Five
The ride home was peaceful, and all three of them seemed to appreciate that peace. They looked around them, enjoying the dawn of a new day. "It is good here on the Wind River Valley."
"Very good."
When they road into Nakota's village everyone gathered around to hear the story and welcome Sasha home.
But Wolf didn't linger long, he wanted to get home.
Sasha didn't argue, she was anxious too.
Bear Paw rode back to the Shoshone camp with them now and because they were so exhausted, Bear Paw told the village all about the great war with Big Knife.
As for Sasha and Wolf, they went happily to their tepee and she fixed him some food, and they ate in almost silence.
When she put the dishes away and joined him on the blanket by the fire, he pulled her to him. "I am glad we are finally home again, my sweet."
"Me too," she murmured.
"It has been a long few months, but it is over now. Are you sorry I killed Big Knife?"
"No, it had to be done. He would have kept causing problems for the soldiers and us. No, I cannot be sorry for that."
"I know you once cared for him."
"No, not him. This Big Knife was a different man." She told him.
"Yes, you are right about that. He had to be put down. And in some ways, I am sorry, in others I am glad. For him taking you, I could not forgive him. For what he said about our child, I would gladly kill him again." Wolf told her.
"I know, my love." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him now. "I understand, as I felt the same way when he told me his plan. But somehow, I knew that would never happen. For the Creator would not allow it!"
But before she could argue more, he was asleep, in her arms.
She sighed with happiness. She cuddled herself against him and slept peacefully.
Exhaustion had claimed them.
Before dawn they awoke and looked into each other's eyes. "I want you my wife." He told her. His expression was very serious.
"I was hoping you would say that."
"I have rested and feel much better today. And nothing would please me more than making love with you." He smiled.
"Take me, I'm yours." She giggled.