Page 16 of Stay With Me
Charlie shot him a curious glance.
"I'm going to take a bath now."
"A bath? In the middle of the day?" Charlie shot him a look of disbelief.
"Yeah, in the middle of the day."
"Wash it all off, will ya, I don't want to see that grumpy face any more today."
"I'll do my best." Clay muttered.
A few days later a man road up into the yard. Charlie and Clay were out on the property, mending fences.
Willa heard his horse neigh; heard his footsteps and she went to the door.
She opened the door slowly but did not move away from it. Something about the man sent a signal to Willa. This man was no good.
"Hello in there," the man called. He was a big, tall man with a bear belly, and a booming voice. He had dark straggly hair and piercing gray eyes. He looked dirty, and the sneer on his face was anything but friendly.
Willa stared from the doorway at him, "Yes, can I help you?"
The man's mouth hung open, his eyes went up and down her, and a strange smile spread over his thick lips. "Well, I thought I was at the right place, don't Charlie and Clay live here anymore?"
"Yes, I am the cook and housekeeper." She explained.
"Is that a fact?" He pushed past her to enter the cabin. Since he was a white man, she didn't know if she should object to him coming inside or not. But she didn’t trust this man either. Something about him sent alarms through her head.
Although she did not appreciate his action, she didn't voice her concern. She knew better. Even though she was accepted as part of the family here, she must always be the servant to strangers.
"They are out in the pasture, mending fences." She told him. "Shall I call them in?"
"No need."
"I think there is much need. You came to call upon them, didn't you?"
He moved closer, she moved away.
The baby cried, and she went to see about him. The man came to the bedroom door and watched her.
She turned around to see him standing in the doorway.
"What do you want?" She asked, fear running up her spine, but keeping her eyes to the floor now.
"Well now, just to get acquainted, that's all." He came closer.
Suddenly Charlie came through the door and saw him. "Ed, what are you doing here?" Charlie didn't look all that pleased to see him. His voice belied the mistrust Willa was feeling.
"Charlie," the man turned around and faced him. "Just trying to get acquainted with your housekeeper. Didn't know you had one. And she's got a baby, too."
Charlie studied Ed for a long moment, then without a flinch he nodded, "That's right, her name is Willa, and she lives with us, her and her baby."
"Well, ain't that nice?" Ed's sarcasm didn't go unnoticed. "When did this happen?"
"A few days ago." Charlie told him. "When her father brought her here."
"Would you like some coffee?" Willa suggested when things got tense.