Page 32 of Stay With Me
She folded her legs around her, pulling at her dress, as his eyes went over her thoroughly. The magnetic force of attraction pulled her closer to him, so close she could smell the male scent of him. The muscles in his arm flexed as his eyes burned with a hunger.
She tried to ignore his amorous glances but the heat from his body told her she wasn't imagining it.
She licked her lips, forcing herself under control.
Clay reached for her hand and held it. It was soft, and cool, and he threaded his fingers with hers. She didn't pull away or object, she was mesmerized by his action. "Don't fret about this Willa, please." He told her softly.
"It is my fault that you have been beaten." She shook her head.
"No, it was a drunk's fault, not yours." He told her and squeezed her hand. His warm breath fanned her cheek as she came closer to feed him. She couldn't pull away if she wanted to. And she didn't, she silently admitted. He had taken a beating—for her!
The way he took the food into his mouth seduced her as his eyes never left hers.
"You are hungry?" she asked breathlessly.
"I've been watching you all morning and working up quite an appetite." He grinned.
She tried to ignore his hand in hers, tried to squash that love he offered with only a hand. Her heart wanted to say so many things, but her mind held her at bay.
She fed him to make him hush. He swallowed a couple of bites. "Oatmeal, I haven't had that in a long time." He smiled.
"It is good for you, makes your hair shiny and thick." She told him with a soft smile, trying to distract him from what was on both their minds.
"Is that why you have such beautiful hair?" he asked.
She stared; her cheeks blossomed. "You must rest."
She started to move away, but his hand stayed her, "I haven't finished eating yet."
She bowed her head and fed him some more. When he was through, she wiped his lips with a linen napkin she found in the kitchen drawer. Their eyes locked onto each other almost hungrily as she realized the intimacy of the act. After she wiped his lips, he kissed her hand. "Thanks."
She swallowed hard. Her eyes traveled him now, and he saw her looking. It was a blatant look that said more than any words she could conjure at the moment. He lay there half naked, and her eyes touched what her hand could not.
"I wish it were your lips," he murmured.
Her eyes widened; her brow rose. "You should not say such a thing. Go to sleep now, you are delirious." she insisted moving away quickly before she did something she shouldn't.
He chuckled softly and whispered to himself with a smile, "I'm not delirious, I'm in love."
But she did not hear him, she had picked Elan up and walked back to the safety of the kitchen. She wasn't afraid of him, only that he could break her heart, or mend it one.
He slept and she went to help Charlie outside. She had to, if he said much more, she'd be in his arms and he was in no condition for something like that. Besides, it would be a huge mistake.
Her head told her this, her heart told her something entirely different as it drummed against her chest now.
She kept the kiss close to her heart, it comforted her.
She spent the day with Elan in his cradle and working alongside Charlie. Charlie might collapse hi
mself and she needed to be with him, even though her heart wanted to be with Clay, it was not wise in any way. Besides, Charlie needed to be watched in case he fell out from the heat.
For several days she doctored them both and did her best to keep her distance. Charlie helped her with Elan a lot, which made it easier to do her chores around the house.
Once in a while, she'd glance at Clay who still lay on the bed and see him staring. His sexy grin made her heart leap. It was as though they were talking without their lips, she mused.
Clay was gaining his strength each day and although the scars from the whip were healing, it felt tight to move around and several times when he did, he broke open a couple of scars.
Willa fussed over them both and at night she'd sit in the kitchen and dream about the small kiss to her hand that she shared with Clay. She'd dream about the things she saw in his eyes too. Her heart was heavy because she loved him so, but dare she let him know?