Page 67 of Stay With Me
"Women are different. Besides, I liked her cooking, mostly."
Clay laughed. "Yeah, I guess that's true enough."
Clay eyed him with speculation.
Before they moved the cattle over, they had to check the fences and make sure none needed repairing. There were a couple of places they had to repair, and spent the day doing it.
Then the next day they went to move the cattle and other stock from their place.
"You know, it's kind of sad leaving here, Dad." Clay remarked looking out over the place. "We've been here a long time."
"Yeah, but Cora's place is better built and there's more land, with the sale of this place, we'll be able to buy more cattle and make even more improvements."
"Well I agree with you on that, I just meant there are a lot of good memories here." Clay told him.
"I guess so, son, especially for you."
"Wasn't this place yours and mom's first house?"
"Yep, it was. I'm kind of ashamed I never did better for her. But she was one not to ever complain. She made do no matter what. I guess I never gave her much credit for how much she put up with."
"It didn't matter, she was happy."
Charlie glanced at him and smiled sadly. "She was, wasn't she?"
Clay looked around, his glance landing on the small cemetery. "There is one thing. Are we gonna leave the cemetery here, I mean, do you think we should move them over there?"
Charlie scratched his chin. "It might be something I ought to talk over with Cora. Once we sell it, the owner won't want them buried there."
"That's what I was thinking." Clay agreed.
"I'll take it up with her, and if she agrees, we'll bury them over by Sam, if she don't mind. You are right about that, glad you thought about it."
"Sounds good to me."
After all the animals were squared away, Charlie decided to go into town to put a notice up that he was selling his place. He thought about how Clay still loved the old place, but someday Cora's place would belong to him and Willa and it was much roomier there, plenty of room for some children and Elan.
Thoughts of Elan made him smile. He sure loved that little rascal.
Charlie went inside the bank and right up to Jim Stalwart's desk, the President of the bank.
Jim stuck out his hand and stood up, "Charlie Nelson, it's good to see you, you old rascal, it's been a while."
Charlie smiled and shook hands with him, then sat down in the chair he offered.
"What brings you here, Charlie?" Jim asked as he sat down at his desk.
"Need to sell my land, Jim."
"Sell it. Why Charlie, you've lived there for a long time. I don't understand, you're leaving for good or where are you moving to."
"Cora and I area getting married Jim. Her place is bigger so we're moving there." Charlie informed him.
"Married? Why what do you know."
"Yeah, so we'll be moving to her place, with selling my land I can make some needed improvements on Cora's place."
"You and Clay?" Jim asked.