Page 77 of Stay With Me
"Not sense the second time and I threatened to go to the army and let them handle it. But we ain't heard nothing no more. I guess they finally got them on the reservation."
"That's interesting," Ed scratched his chin. "If it weren't them it means it were probably white folks."
"Ten thousand, huh?"
"That's it. What do you mean by sharin' the rights to the water?"
"Just that, a neighbor needs to water his stock, whoever buys the place has to allow it. Unless there is a severe drought. That water hasn't run dry in all these years, Ed. It ain't gonna now. There's enough to take care of half this valley. I don't want no range war over water rights Ed. Fair is fair. I know you want this place and you and I have dickered over the water rights."
Ed seemed to consider his words.
"I'll think on that, Charlie." Ed rubbed his chin then whipped his horse away, "Talk to you soon."
"Ed." Charlie tipped his hat to him.
Clay let out a breath. "For a minute I thought he was going to throw open that blanket to see what was under there."
"Don't fret about that man back there in the wagon bed, he was trespassing if nothing else, and he pulled a gun on you son. You did what needed doin'." Charlie assured him.
"I know, dad, but it doesn't make it any easier. And I'm just not sure anyone would believe it." Clay told him.
"One thing about it, Ed didn't mention those men, so maybe he knows nothing about them." Charlie told him.
"I guess you are right about that. I hadn't even thought about it."
"I got a feeling Ed will make an offer on the place. He might have looked like he was stallin', but I know him, he wants that spread. But him getting burnt out is news to me. Makes you wonder about things."
"Will you come down on the price?"
"Maybe, if they agree to the water rights, and it's in writing." Charlie told him.
"But only to nine thousand, it's worth that much and Ed knows it."
Clay nodded.
It was past noon and they were tired, thirsty and hot. They drove the wagon on over to Cora's.
Charlie couldn't wait to tell Cora about Ed considerin' the bid on the place.
"Sounds like he doesn't know much about what's been going on. You think that's possible?" Cora asked putting her hands on her hip and staring at Charlie.
"After talking with him, I don't think Ed had a thing to do with it. However, I'm beginning to wonder about Laura and her dad. Who is working for them now, do you know?"
"A couple of cowpokes, drifters came to town a year or so ago. They are pretty wild. Hadn't thought much about them until you mentioned them." Cora told them.
"Those men could be responsible. Come to think on it, she might have wanted those men to get rid of Willa and the baby then burn the place too."
"It's early yet son, and we still have no proof, but if we lay low, more and more of the truth will come out." Charlie assured him.
"I hope you are right." Clay muttered.
"Let's have some food and drink before you start burying anyone." Cora suggested.
"Sounds mighty good, we've worked up an appetite." Charlie put his arm around Cora, gave her a quick kiss and smiled.
Charlie grabbed Elan and swung him in the air. Elan giggled and Charlie hugged him to him. "My God, you are a sweet little fella, you hardly ever cry."