Page 84 of Stay With Me
She nodded and slipping into a house dress Cora had laid out for her, she went to the house to get Elan.
Not seeing Charlie or Cora, she assumed they were sleeping or making love. She smiled and went to get Elan from his cradle. He was just waking up.
"Come my sweet, come meet your new daddy." She smiled at him and carried him in the cradle to the bunkhouse.
Clay had put his pants on and was making a sandwich from the supplies Cora and Charlie had left for them.
Cora had even moved one of her rocking chairs out there for her.
Willa sat in it and fed Elan.
She opened her dress and fed him as Clay fixed them something to eat.
While he ate, he watched Willa feed Elan. "I love watching you feed him." He told her.
She smiled dreamily, "And I like you watching."
"Today is so special. He has a father now, and his name has changed to Elan Nelson."
"I like that. Now we are a family." Clay told her.
When she fed him, he drifted off to sleep again and she laid him in the cradle so she could eat too.
Clay had put her a plate on the table and as she ate, Clay stared down at Elan. "I'm going to teach him many things."
"Oh, like what?"
"To rope a steer, to ride a horse, to pitch hay, to mend fences, to be a good boy and whatever I can about life. Although I think Charlie and Cora can teach him a lot about that."
"Yes, older people have lived more and know more, and I think they will be excellent grandparents."
"Elan saved Dad's life." Clay exclaimed.
Willa turned her head in question, "Oh, in what way?"
"I don't know exactly. It's like he's young now, he's more involved and has dreams of his own now. I like that. Just because you age does not mean you give up life."
"I agree, and Elan has so many more that love him now. He needed that. We are a bigger family."
Clay stared, his eyes glistening into hers, "And it will get bigger, if I have anything to do with it."
She chuckled, "Who knows, I may already be pregnant."
Clay's expression changed to one of euphoria. "I'd like a lot of children, to make a big happy family."
"I think I'd like that too," she reached for his hand.
"God Willa, I'm so happy." Clay told her not taking his eyes from her.
"I never thought you'd fall in love with me." She whispered.
He leaned to kiss her soft lips. "Your more woman than I'd ever hoped for."
"When did you fall in love with me?"
He chuckled, "From the moment you walked in the door, I knew I was attracted. I tried to fight it. When you told me how sick dad was, and I touched your hand, I knew you'd captured my heart. The day I went to town, I realized there could be no other. I wanted you. Only you."
"I too fell quickly. But I thought you wouldn't want me because I was a breed." She admitted.