Page 17 of Paroled on Love
"I love to dance and sing." He smiled.
"You sing very nice too."
"Thanks. You weren't so bad yourself out there. Do you go to many dances?"
"Not recently. But I used to." She nodded.
Then suddenly a pretty blonde came up to Jeremiah. "You haven't asked me to dance once, Jeremiah, where are your manners."
She was everything Leah wasn't, blonde, blue eyed, and creamy complexion. She had a tiny figure and she was what most would call, hot!
"I'm sorry Mary Beth. Excuse us," He motioned to Leah.
Leah watched and the girl was all over him. She couldn't believe it. He was the life of the party though. And he looked very handsome in his new jeans. He wore a white shirt and a jean jacket. But here, he was the life of the party and everyone wanted to dance with him. She had no idea he could dance so well.
When he brought Mary Beth back, she stared at Leah. "Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" Mary Beth asked.
"Of course, Leah, this is Mary Beth. We went to high school together."
"Pleased to meet you."
"Are you one of those juvenile kids?" Mary Beth smirked.
"Mary Beth…" Jeremiah scolded. "That was uncalled for."
Leah ran outside. She hadn't thought anyone here would know, but apparently everyone did. It embarrassed her. She shouldn't have come. She
didn't belong here, enjoying herself.
Jeremiah followed her out.
"I'm sorry about that. She's a bit of a bitch." Jeremiah said.
Leah looked up at him and realized that was the first time he had ever cursed in front of her.
"Sorry, but there isn't another word for her."
Leah almost smiled at that.
"Why don't you go back in and enjoy yourself. I'm just an embarrassment for you. I didn't mean to be; I didn't think anyone knew who I was."
He came closer, "Leah, this is a small town, and people talk in small towns. Don't let it bother you. It doesn't me. Mary Beth never did have any manners, that's why I wouldn't date her in high school. Now come on, let's go back inside."
"I really don't think I should." She cried out.
He pulled her chin up and saw the tears in her eyes. "Leah, please don't cry. Don't let her have that advantage. She's jealous. That's all."
"Of me?" She shrieked.
"Sure, you're the prettiest girl in there." He chuckled.
"Was she your girl or something?"
"Back in high school she wanted to date, I didn't. Now she does everything to humiliate me in public. I ignore her most of the time. But I do have manners and I'll dance with anyone, just about. I wised up with her some time ago."
"She's beautiful."
He held her chin with the crook of his finger, "So are you."