Page 35 of Nick's Baby
He meant to hurt her, scare her, and shake her up. Something. Yet when their lips met in a storm of emotions, he could no longer think. He wanted to kiss her, needed to, longed to. And now that he was, he gave it everything he had.
Hot scorching lips ran rampant over soft, melting ones. One breath became many, as he continued his blatant assault of her senses. She weakened, her hand clutching at him.
A fine wine, his mind decided, as he sipped the sweet nectar of her lips. Not too dry, not too wet, aged to perfection. He wanted more, and that realization stunned him.
The kiss deepened, strengthened, enriched of its own free will, like the wind taking control of a storm. Streaks of lightening ran down the center of him, homing in on him like an unsettling tidal wave.
His hands threaded through her hair, shaking her combs to the floor, as he pulled her against him tighter, savoring the feel of her. He growled in his throat at the excitement touching her elicited. She groaned in return.
He wanted to make her feel what he felt. Wanted her to feel all the raw emotions she had exposed in him. He wanted her to see him as a man, with feelings, desires, and guilt and to feel those same emotions. He moved his hands to her head, positioning her just right for each kiss.
Yet all too soon she wrenched herself away from him, as though it took all her might, and yet it took no physical effort at all, for he merely held her head and a full mass of her hair.
She flushed and flamed.
"I think you better leave," she muttered breathlessly, obviously rattled more than she cared to admit by the kiss. Her lips were swollen, and pouting, her chest heaving for air, and her eyes darkened with desire. She was in that moment, the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.
For a moment he didn't move, didn't breath. He stood staring at her, as though really seeing her for the first time, and marveling at the beauty within her. How could he have not thought her beautiful?
Gaining composure, he nodded, "Maybe I better."
"I think you were right, Nick," she said, leaning against the fireplace for support suddenly, as Nick's eyes torched her. "No more contact."
Her voice was breathless, gasping, her body trembling. There was a wild woman inside her, and he had unleashed it. Still, she began forcing it away. The lady had control, and only he recognized it, in her eyes, in her soul, in her heart.
"Yeah, I guess so," he said roughly, not looking back at her. "So long Kelsey!"
Weeks passed and Nick heard nothing from Kelsey. He tried to put her out of his mind. Erase what was between them. He tried not to remember the satisfaction of her kiss, the fit of her body, the feel of his hand against her belly the one time he had touched her. He tried not to think about that belly swollen and growing with child. His child. It was useless.
Every waking moment was filled with her.
Determined to wipe her from his mind, he sank himself into his job, working long hours in record heat. A forty hour week became sixty. He even worked late at the garage, sinking himself into another old classic car that would turn into nothing more than a kid's hotrod.
He hadn't cashed the check; he looked at it every night, kept it in a special place by his bed. He steadfastly refused to cash it.
That is until he came home one evening and found half the kitchen ripped out. Making improvements the management had explained. Improvements hell, the kitchen was gone. The stove had to be turned off, the icebox didn't work now. Nick smeared a hand across his face in anguish, "What next?"
He knew from that day forward that his goal to get his family out of this place had to come first. He'd deal with his conscience later. The landlord wasn't going to let up till every occupant of the building agreed to walk away, or sign a new lease on the new building going up.
Instead of cashing the check, Nick decided to talk to Mr. Gallagher at the bank about taking out a loan against the check. Th
e loan officer was eager to talk to him once he realized the kind of money Nick was toting around with him. He quickly informed Nick that if the check was placed in the bank in a CD, Nick could borrow against it. As long as Nick paid the loan on time, the check would stay intact. No one would lose anything, including, Kelsey O'Sullivan.
Within an hour, Nick had the money for the down payment on the house in Queens. He quickly called his buddy about the available house and arranged for Mama, Tony, and Tina to go with him to see it.
It was only right that the family see the house and approve it. They were going to be living there.
"But where did you get such money, Nicky?"
"It's a loan, Mama, not to worry. I got a loan at the bank," Nick explained, hoping that would satisfy his mother's curiosity.
"How can you suddenly get a loan? In all these years, you've never gotten one before."
"I used the garage as collateral?" Nick hated lying but it was a small sin, compared to others.
"Collateral? Who'd give you money on that garage? It's so run down, no one would have it."