Page 38 of Nick's Baby
Was that casual enough for her? He couldn't allow her to see how disturbed he was.
"You're short tempered, when you're tired."
"A little." He acknowledged giving her a sideways glance.
She moved closer, as though trying to find something in his face or expression that might put her at her ease. She took a sip of the coffee then sat it beside his cup.
"I spoke to the doctors about it. At the clinic. They reassured me that they could keep trying, it might take time. But, I'm afraid I don't want to subject myself to this forever. I thought if I found a virile man, my troubles would be short-lived."
Nick pretended interest in his car. What was she doing here, in the middle of the night talking about virility? Had she walked? Nah, too far and surely not in the rain. Had she driven that car of hers around here? Hadn't he warned her? She had no business being here.
"Where's your car?"
"At home."
His eyes narrowed on her as he whipped around to stare at her, "Then how did you get here?"
"I took the subway, and walked the rest of the way, why?"
He came closer, close enough to smell the expensive perfume she wore. "Took the subway? Since when do you ride subways? Are you crazy?"
Her smile didn't reach her lips. "You told me not to be driving my car around here. I took that as some kind of warning. And I thought riding a subway might be an experience. It was." Her eyes were filled with excitement. "There weren't many people out this time of night, and everyone seemed very friendly. At least I planned on the rain and came prepared." She glanced at the raincoat hanging on the edge of the hood.
He grabbed her upper arms and shook her a moment, then realizing what he was doing, backed off. Staring blatantly at her, he marveled at her cool. The less he touched the better. He wasn't cool, far from it. "You don't ride subways. You don't walk the streets around here, either. Anybody would know you weren't from around here. You've got a price tag written all over you." He glanced down at the small leather purse. "You may not realize it, but there are some that would knock you off just for the price of a bottle. Your purse cost more than their clothes."
She glanced down at the Coach on her arm and gently sat it on top of the hood of the '57 Chevy. She twirled around, her skirt flaring at the action. It was a wisp of a skirt, almost see through, and Nick's body was already responding in a familiar way. Not that he wanted it to, but he no longer had control. Not where Kelsey was concerned at least.
"I suppose it was careless of me, but I wanted to talk to you, and your mother said you'd be down here."
"My mother, again? What? You got some mutual attraction for each other?" Nick came closer. "You talked to my mother?"
"Yes, of course. Is that against the law? I like her."
"How did you find her?"
"That wasn't easy." She blinked hard and Nick noticed the thickness of her long lashes against her creamy cheeks, and the way each breath she took made her breast swell against her dress. "But it didn't take long to realize you moved. I'm so glad, Nick. At least one of us has what they want."
He gave her the once over, again.
"So, anyway, then I called information and got your phone number. Stop looking at me like that, it's not like it's unlisted." She turned away from him again.
A hand snaked out to pull her around to him, bringing her dangerously closer. "What do you want?"
"I want to-to get pregnant," she gasped as his other hand snaked through her hair. He wasn't hurting her. He'd never hurt her, or any other woman for that matter. Still, she had to realize that she was playing with fire.
Nick's eyes traveled downward, taking in the summer dress with renewed interest. The swell of her breast seemed to brim against her dress. It was the first time she'd worn anything distracting around him. He couldn't help but wonder if she was playing at a seduction. If she was, he wanted to enjoy every moment of it.
Still, if he were honest, it wasn't the dress, or the sudden realization that she was beautiful. Hell no, it was that damn voice that had gotten to him. And she hadn't a clue about that. How could she know that it sent a strange thrill through him every time she spoke in that kitten soft voice? It seemed to slither up his spine like a feather. He'd never acted that way over a voice before. It made no sense.
He let her go, almost with a shove. "That's not my problem, anymore. I did my part."
Still imploring him, she walked straight up to him again.
"It's your job to get me pregnant," she stated, her voice husky, her eyes dilating.
"My job? Excuse me." he nearly laughed in her face. He had to make her mad enough to leave, because if she didn't go soon, he wasn't going to be responsible. The decision was made, had been since the moment she walked in. His body could only take so much torture.
Every nerve tensed, and coiled into a tight ball. Never, had he wanted a woman so strongly in his entire life. His hands were shaking to keep from grabbing her and throwing her in the back seat of the Chevy. He wanted to relieve this tension, wanted to release himself of the misery she kept causing. Yet it was more than that, and he knew it. He had started feeling things about her, caring about her.