Page 42 of Nick's Baby
"Not quite, why?" he rasp, giving up the luscious nibble as she continued to delight him.
"Because I'm dead tired, but I still want you . . ." she cried huskily and reached for him again.
"Have your way with me, then woman. I'm yours," he added his lips finding hers once more, "For as long as you want me," his mind cried. He didn't want to think about anything but making love to this beautiful creature in his arms.
When his lips left hers he sat up, stared down into her love-drugged eyes, "I want to kiss you," he whispered.
When she continued to stare, saying nothing, he moved downward slowly until his lips touched feather light against the moist heat of her. She whimpered aloud.
He parted her legs, seeking her out. His lips surrounded her, sending her into wave after wave of emotional ecstasy. She moaned uncontrollably. He wanted to be gentle, tender, loving. He wanted to brand her with this special kind of loving, so that she would never forget him.
Finally, grasping his head, urging him onward in his quest she moved herself against him. She moaned and gasped, "I never dreamed . . ."
He smiled contentedly against her, then when she could stand it no longer, and she pulled him upward, he made a hot, wet trail around her belly button and up over the hardened tips of her breast before she reached to grab him and guide him into her again.
This time she became the aggressor, and he laughed aloud as she rolled him over and straddled him.
He watched in heated fascination as she threw back her head and clutched him tightly. Her hips moved slowly at first, then at his lead, more quickly. It was as if all inhibitions were gone and she took the lead. He'd never seen anything quite so beautiful in his life. He bit back his words of love to her, because he feared she'd stop and wouldn't believe him. Yet here, in the backseat of a Chevy he vowed his love for her to his God.
Later, much later, he locked the garage door, and then returned to her side. She was already asleep, curled deliciously on the seat with a smile on her face, a real smile, one
that took his breath away as he stared down into her flushed face. She looked so young, so vulnerable, and the primitive need to take care of her surged through him.
He wondered how long she would be content to be with him. He wondered if there was the slightest chance of making this a permanent arrangement. He wasn't thinking rationally, but he didn't care. Getting a blanket out of the trunk, he sighed heavily as he covered her up. Then he curled up against her, careful not to wake her, but holding her possessively closer than he had before. Before his eyes closed he remembered thinking he wished dawn would never come.
"What's the matter with you, Leonetti, your mind off in space or somethin'?"
"Sorry Dutch, it won't happen again." Nick glanced at his boss and wiped the sweat from his brow as he balanced himself once more and continued on his way with the heavy steel beam.
The yell from a nearby co-worker whom he nearly hit with the beam had brought him back to reality. He'd never been so careless.
Dutch was right. He'd been off in space ever since Kelsey had come to the garage that night. It'd been nearly a month and he hadn't heard her word from her. A month! Not a day went by that he didn't want to pick up the phone and call her. Just to hear her voice again. God, he hadn't let a woman get under his skin in years. Why'd it have to be her?
He couldn't get that night out of his mind. Making love to Kelsey had been beyond wonderful. There were no words to describe it. And afterwards, the love and protective feelings that surrounded his heart every time he looked at her curled in the backseat of that Chevy made his heart lurch in his chest. He was in love with Kelsey O'Sullivan. "Dummy," he murmured to himself, "She doesn't love you. She purposely seduced you. She got what she wanted. And that's the end of it."
Maybe he should have said something that next morning, instead of sitting on the floor of the garage staring at a busted engine. As if an engine was on his mind at a time like that. But what could he have said? There could be no real future between a guy like him and a woman like her. So he'd held his silence—and so had she.
Nah, the princess got what she came for, and left. End of story.
But it was more than just Kelsey walking out without a backward glance that got to him. It was more than her not saying anything about feelings, caring, loving. It was more than sex, too. Sex didn't begin to describe what they had shared. He'd never felt this strong, belonging pull with a woman.
But still, it was the prospect of having a kid out there somewhere that he might never see, never be with that tore his heart into a million pieces. He had lost so much with his silence, but would it have done any good to say what he felt? Kelsey had wanted a baby, not him! She'd set the rules, he'd abide.
He'd get over this whole mess in time, he had to!
"You're a little sicker with this one, aren't you?" Jackson asked, a frown lining his forehead, his concern obvious in his voice. That same compassion she had seen from the very beginning was surfacing again, and for her benefit, Kelsey realized.
Memories of her first pregnancy washed over her and tears filled her eyes, her lips quivered as she wiped them with a tissue, "A little, yes."
"Perhaps we should cut down your working hours, and I can handle some of the load for you."
"Not just yet, but maybe you're right. I certainly don't want to take any chances with this child." She glanced up at Jackson and bit her lip. "We'll see. And thanks for all your support Jackson. You make me almost sorry I didn't choose you."
"I'm glad you didn't, I'd be a nervous wreck." Jackson said smiling at her. "So, why don't you go home for the day? You look piqued and I can handle the office. There's nothing pending now that the merger has been established. I'm sure Ralph will stick around to complete things, and then be on his way."