Page 44 of Nick's Baby
"I hope you don't mind me calling, Kelsey." He cleared his throat again. "I had to know. Is there anything I can do? Do you need anything?"
"No, nothing. Everything is fine. Jackson has even offered to take over some of my work at the office, until I'm feeling better."
"I'd like to have met this Jackson. He seems like a nice kind of guy. I can't imagine why you didn't pick him to father your child."
There was a soft chuckle at the other end, "I almost did, actually. I mean he has all the right qualifications. He's sophisticated, educated, and he looks like a celebrity. I think you and Jackson would get along well."
"Maybe you should have picked him, then."
"No," she hesitated, "I picked the right man for the job. Because, despite all that, Jackson and I are just friends."
"Yeah, sure. Look, let me know if you need anything, Kelsey. Anything at all."
"Thanks Nick. I won't need anything, but if you'd like to call from time to time, you can. I know we agreed on no contact, but it is your baby. And I can't in all consciousness keep everything to myself. I'm glad we have the contract behind us. But it wouldn't be fair not to share something with you Nick."
Nick's throat tightened. There it was a contract, about his kid. It always came back to that, an iron-clad contract. The woman didn't deal in emotions. She needed a contract for everything. This was his kid. A kid he had vowed he'd never desert. Now he felt as though he deserted both Kelsey and the baby. "I'd like to come by, I mean. In the meantime, take care."
Nick hung up wondering why he felt so suddenly lost. He was going to be a father and yet he'd never be there to enjoy it. Damn! What a fool he'd been. The rain coming down outside seemed to echo his dark feelings. A sound all of New York was probably celebrating again.
When he got home from work late that night, he noticed as he pulled up that his house was dark, everyone was asleep. Somehow coming home would never be the same again. He felt as though he belonged somewhere else. But where?
Sitting in his car, he watched the big drops of rain that splashed musically against the windshield in some offbeat tune. He listened for a long while, hoping the rain might soothe his overwrought nerves, like it usually did, but it didn't.
Then it hit him. As though he suddenly had come in out of the dark, he had the spark of an idea. He banged his palm against his forehead and stared at himself in the rear view mirror.
Suddenly jerking the transmission into drive once more and speeding off in the direction of Kelsey's apartment he cursed himself for not thinking of it sooner. He was a man with a mission. A mission he was sure Kelsey wouldn't like.
Just like before, letting his anger ferment before he barged in on her, he sat quietly staring at the complex. He needed to think it through before he put his plan in motion. It could work. It had to.
Minutes later, he stormed up the stairs to Kelsey's apartment door, as the housekeeper let him in with malevolent reluctance.
"You again? Now see here, this isn't the time . . ."
"No. It isn't, you are absolutely right about that Dorothy, but will you be a doll and put the coffee on. And I'm sorry I had to wake you. This is important though. I'll just let myself into her room. We'll be fine."
"But you can't!"
"Look, trust me, on this one, will ya?" Nick smiled, and turned the housekeeper on her way to the kitchen. He was winning points with Dorothy he saw that in her half smile.
Nick didn't barge in this time; instead he crept up to the side of the bed, staring down at Kelsey. She was on her stomach, her hair was in her eyes, and her gown hunkered down over one shoulder. He feasted on her for a few seconds, letting the rush of adrenalin wash through him. He still wanted her, maybe more now than ever. His insides ached to hold her in his arms again, but on his terms, this time. Yes, he'd have to take control, whether she liked it or not, and he'd have to be strong and resist the temptation she offered so innocently.
"Hey," Nick called to her softly, his voice lowering when his body refused to obey his mind.
She didn't move.
"Hey, babe," he called softly, scooting her body over so he could sit beside her on the bed.
At first she just rolled over and piled the pillows around her head. But he slowly reached to uncover her head, and turned the small lamp on beside her bed.
She whirled about, and nearly pounced on him, till her eyes opened and she realized who he was.
"N-Nick?" She gathered the covers about her at first, then must have realized how silly it was and relaxed her hold on them.
"Hello to you too," he smiled.
Pulling the covers up slowly again, she adjusted her gown, and straightened her hair. She couldn't' possibly know how gorgeous she looked at this moment, Nick thought to himself, steeling his emotions.
"What are you doing here, at this hour?" Her head nodded toward the bedside clock. It was twelve-thirty.