Page 5 of Nick's Baby
"No." She took her glasses off and wiped at her eyes. Nick saw fatigue, and something else, something deeper, something that made him feel protective of her. He didn't want to feel protective.
Strange, he'd decided she didn't have eyes when he first walked in, but he was wrong. She had beautiful blue eyes, the kind a man remembers for a long, long time.
She stood up and paced, her shoulders bunching.
Nick's thoughts went into overdrive.
She strummed her fingers against her upper arms as she crossed them again. "You haven't walked out yet, so I'm assuming you're considering this. I'd want to explain a few things. Things you probably aren't aware of. You see, I'm from a very wealthy family. My parents expect me to marry and have children. And as long as the prospective husband has a couple of million in the bank, they'll be satisfied. But that's not for me. I've been down that road once, it didn't work."
She looked away, her expression pensive. Nick's gaze lingered on her face, squelching the need to reach out and console her. So she'd been hurt, that might explain a few things. But you didn't go off the deep end just because someone hurt you. She looked stronger than that.
Kelsey faced him, her eyes luminous and big. "I really want a child, Nick. I've always wanted one. But I can't go through another marital disaster. I won't." She glanced at him, and then went on. "Naturally, I've already gone to the sperm
bank and spoke with them about this. They are very understanding. But I just couldn't go along with the insemination process. Not their way. I wouldn't know the father. And it's important to know the father, even though I don't expect him to be around. There are qualities in a man I want to pass on to my child, traits, looks, personality. And yes, I'm looking for something even deeper than that. So you see, if I'm willing to go to that link for what I want, I'll go a step farther and choose the man I want for the job. It can be done. I've already inquired. They'll work with me, any way I choose. After all, I'm doing all the footwork so to speak. But make no mistake, Nick, I'm the one who wants this baby. It will be my baby!"
Her vehemence didn't deter Nick from his own convictions. So she wanted a kid, so what? Didn't mean he had to compromise his principles for her. "Doesn't the father have any say in this?"
"I'm not advertising for a father. I'm looking for a sperm donor. There's a big difference."
He twisted his head sideways. Okay, someone had hurt her and naturally, Goody-Two-Shoes wasn't about to get hurt again. No, she was too smart for that.
"Maybe so, but it's pretty hard to rule out a father, lady. Having a baby takes two people, a woman and a man."
"Unfortunately, yes. I've considered other options, but this is the only acceptable answer for me." Her voice faded away as though sadness gripped her.
Nick stared.
"No, the only thing I want is a baby—without the man."
"I figured that part out, but why?"
"Why?" She stared blankly at him for a moment, as though the question had never been asked. "That's my concern." She lifted her chin a notch.
"A man helps you bring life into this world and he isn't entitled to know why? Don't you think he's a little involved? You can't have everything your way."
"You're right, of course. Okay, if you decide to try this—I'll tell you. Fair enough?"
Their eyes met and held for a long breathless moment. Then slowly he shook his head. "Nah. I'm not interested in one way deals. What about the guy the note was intended for?"
"George? I doubt he'd have any part of it, now that I think about it. The note wasn't a preconceived idea. George plays everything by the book. I'm glad it was misdirected. You probably saved a friendship."
"You'd rather have a baby by a stranger?"
"The more I think on it, yes. Fewer complications. Besides, George wouldn't like my terms."
"Terms? You got terms?"
She looked him straight in the eye, and he realized again with surprise she was pretty. God, he was losing it. Next thing you know he'd be asking her out on a date.
"Yes, it's called a contract. I wouldn't dream of doing something this important without it. No strings. No personal involvement. Nothing to argue about. Everything covered. This is strictly a business arrangement. It's a job, and that's all. That's why I advertised. Naturally, I'll need a man with a high sperm count. That's why you'll be subjected to tests, which can all be accomplished with one visit. I've waited long enough. I need quick results."
"Just science to you, huh?"
"Almost, yes."
"Then why not just adopt?"
"Oh, no, that would never do. The baby must have O'Sullivan blood. We're a rather old and proud Irish family. I'm obligated to carry on the bloodline in some respect at least. I took my maiden name back when I divorced. My baby will be an O'Sullivan. Besides, it takes much too long for a single woman to adopt."