Page 56 of Nick's Baby
"Practice runs?"
"Sure, you know, practice bathing, diapering, burping, the baby. There is still a lot to buy, toys, books. I want us to read to the kid, too. We don't need to wait, they say the baby can hear and comprehend many things before it's even born. And I think we should join one of those Lamaze classes. What do you think?"
"Now Nick . . .?"
"I'm only thinking of what's best for our baby. You can't deny me that, Kel."
The way he said, "Kel," made her shiver. It sounded so intimate. But he was still trying to distract her. "Nick, I think this has gone on long enough."
"Kelsey, indulge me a little longer, will ya. I don't want to worry about the kid. I want to know you can handle this. And I'm not leaving you in the lurches. You can't ask me to do that. If it's alright with you, I want to be there, when it's born."
"Nick . . ." she gasped, and he covered her lips with a kiss that smothered her protest and enlightened her heart. Hungry for his touch, she let him sweep her away. Opening her mouth to his and reveling in his conquest. His hands felt hot, and all over her. She groaned. How could she fight what she so wanted?
But all too soon he let her go. His eyes searched hers.
"You're quite a woman, Kelsey. And you're not going to like this either, but I think we should get married."
"What?" Kelsey's voice caught in her throat. Had he actually proposed to her?
"I said, I think we should get married. You know, do it right. Let's face it Kelsey, you need me, the baby needs me. We haven't made much progress this way. And I'm afraid you are going to be a nervous wreck by the time the baby gets here."
"No, it won't work, Nick. You don't marry someone just because they can't diaper a baby—"
"That too, yes. But I've given this a lot of thought, Kel. You'd love the baby I'm sure of that, you'd care for it to the best of your ability. But I'm not sure you'll be ready in time. And I certainly don't want to have to hire a nanny." He scolded. "No, you need help. And this isn't something you are going to learn in a day or two. Besides, I'd kinda like to give the baby my name. I know how stuck on O'Sullivan you were, but it has your blood, and that's the important thing. And if we got married we could explain the circumstances a lot easier. We could say we just didn't get along, and had to divorce, or something. If it comes to that."
If it comes to that? Of course it would come to that; Nick was in love with the baby. In love with being a family, but he didn't love her.
"Now look, Nick," Kelsey's face turned red, her temper festering. How had this caring man, suddenly turned into some nut with a marriage license. "I've been pretty nice about this, so far, but I think this has gone on long enough. Just because I can't put a diaper on straight doesn't mean—"
"No, it doesn't mean you'll be a bad mother. I agree. But it does mean you're going to need help. Let's face it, Kel; you've done nothing to lighten the work load at the office since I've been coming over. You haven't got the hang of diapering or burping and you are a nervous wreck around the doll. What would you be like around our baby? Face it Kel, the baby needs both of us. I've already taken the liberty of speaking with your parents, by phone, and they are in complete agreement with me, about this. Your father especially. Your mother wants a beautiful Catholic wedding. Naturally, because you've been married, we'll have to speak to the priest about it. I doubt we'll have any trouble; you and Ralph weren't married in the church. But, I agreed to that, you are the bride. We'll be married in two weeks."
Then he started to leave. Without another word, as though the entire conversation was closed. But she knew what he was doing.
"Now wait just a minute," Kelsey began, and then stopped as though someone had hit her in the stomach. Her face paled a little, and then she smiled slowly.
It was almost as if the child was having her say too.
"What's wrong, the baby?" He surmised quickly as he turned to see her face. Instantly his face mirrored his concern.
"I-I think it just kicked me. I can't be sure, but I think it did. You know the first kick is like butterfly wings stirring in your stomach. I remember that much."
"Oh God, let me feel," Nick came closer, put his hand on her jumper, and waited. His eyes were full of delight at the prospect of actually feeling his child growing inside her, and for a moment, Kelsey forgot her anger and enjoyed the feel of his hand on her tummy. It was one of their first shared moments as parents, and nothing could replace its magic. Not even the fact that he wouldn't be able to feel the gentle kicking yet.
Still, she couldn't let sentiment rule the moment. He wanted her to agree to a marriage, but what kind of marriage would they have? And how could she contemplate marrying anyone under these circumstances? She'd faced a loveless marriage before. She couldn't endure another one, especially with Nick, the man she loved.
She was about to explode at him when another butterfly feeling zapped across her tummy and he nodded, "I felt it Kel, I felt it. Not much, but like a little electrical buzz. She's healthy, I'd bet on that. She's kicking early. You're barely four months. That's a good sign she's healthy. She'll probably pack a punch. What a miracle we've created, Kel."
His finger dotted her nose, his eyes sparkled into hers, and they both seized the moment. Their lips met in a passionate storm. Exquisite pleasure melted all of Kelsey's better judgment. She made a little guttural sound in her throat as she opened her mouth to his. Nick's kisses felt as though he'd saved them for an eternity, just for her.
"Ah Kel," he groaned as he lifted her loose blouse and his hands searched for the round fullness of her breast. Kelsey squirmed and moaned all at once, not expecting this, but loving it just the same.
"Don't leave me like this, Nick," Kelsey panted as she barely pulled away from him enough to speak. Could he possibly know what those precious hands of his were doing to her? Did he know she was like a walking time bomb, waiting for his touches?
"You've caught me in a weak moment, I can't. But the baby—I mean, will it be okay? I don't want to hurt you Kel. I don't ever want to hurt you."
"I'm not far enough along to worry," she gasped as her own hands pulled at his shirt eagerly. He stopped, and clasped her hands in his, kissing them slowly then sending her a burning smile, he lifted her to carry her to her bedroom.