Page 29 of Runaway Bride
Leroy had just put his hand on her tight clad jeans when he was suddenly shoved away and again, she felt the shaft of cold hard handcuffs going around her wrist.
"Aw now Sheriff, ain't no reason for that. The little lady was just playin' us a game of eight ball."
"Game's over," came the steel edge of Ben's voice.
Leroy's hands fisted and he bit his lip to keep from objecting to the action. Savannah almost wished he would make the Sheriff back off. Almost. Trouble was, she was downright relieved that he butted into the game. She'd gone to far and the Sheriff obviously knew it.
The Sheriff pulled her around so that she was staring into the hottest, maddest, brown eyes she'd ever seen.
"I think you'll have to pass on that offer, Leroy."
"What are you doing?" She finally found her voice. She wasn't sure if she should be relieved or worried. Actually she was both!
There was no time to decide on a defense, for he was pulling her out of the saloon, and into the bright sunshine.
"Will you take these off me now, Sheriff?" She insisted indignantly.
"No ma'am." He responded and kept pulling her through the street toward his office.
She was embarrassed and angry. He was as much a bully as Leroy.
Twice he had put those cold steel cuffs on her and she was beginning to tire of his he-man tactics.
"Am I under arrest?" she tried to stop him in the middle of the street?
"I'm not sure yet," he muttered, and pulled her to the curb. Then thrust open the door to his office and pushed her inside none too gently.
Without another word, he opened a cell and thrust her into it. Then he went to his desk, sat down, took his hat off and acted as though he was suddenly absorbed in the papers on his desk.
"I demand to speak to my lawyer," she yelled.
He didn't respond.
"I demand to know what I'm being held for," she continued.
"I didn't do anything," she wailed, helplessly.
Still he didn't act as though he even heard.
She slumped down on the small bunk bed and cried. He didn't so much as look at her. And a few minutes later, when a young man came through the door in a rush, he glanced at her in the cell and then at the Sheriff.
"Leroy just decked Many."
"Damn fool," the Sheriff muttered, grabbing his hat and shoving it on his head.
Savannah grabbed the bars and demanded to be set free, but there was no one to listen. And the room became ultra-quiet.
She sat there for the better part of the afternoon, alone, frightened and wondering what would happen to her next. She pictured herself in prison, for a crime she never committed, and trying to explain to a judge it was all over a stupid game of pool. Innocent flirting.
The Sheriff returned late that day, the sun was setting low, and only shadows kept her company.
Being in jail was a new experience, one she already knew she didn't want to repeat.
"Sheriff, could I use the restroom?"
No answer, only large tensed shoulders that refused to give her attentio