Page 44 of Runaway Bride
By noon Savannah was hot, tired and sore, and the excitement of the early morning was wearing off. She wanted to call it a day but the guide seemed determined to show her more places of interest. Her backside was killing her, but she was reluctant to complain since the cowboy had done everything to show her the best possible pictures.
Around two, she called it a day, sure she wouldn't be able to walk the next day.
"I'm sorry, tomorrow I'll do better." She called down to the guide who watched her with amusement as she dismounted.
"Yes ma'am." he nodded with a grin.
The desk clerk hollered at her and she had to turn around and go down the stairs again, she grimaced all the way. "Ms. Kingsley?" he asked.
Savannah eyed the clerk with passing interest as he was young and eager to please. "Yes?"
"I have a message for you, from Sheriff Hogg."
"Thank you," she said as she took the note from his hand. He winked and Savannah couldn't help but wonder if he was one of the "drug store cowboys" Ben had warned her about.
She read the note all the way up the stairs, nearly in tears from the pain of her raw thighs. "Your Aunt will be home tomorrow, just thought I'd let you know...and good luck with your little scheme."
It sounded like a brush off, and that was best, she told herself.
Savannah sighed heavily. She knew she'd miss Ben for a long time to come.
A movie now and then wasn't too bad, but every night she had to come up with something different. That could be tiresome. Still, she started this lie, she would have to carry it through, at least until Janet went home.
She'd have to be careful.
She went inside her room, glancing about the room with vague interest. Decorated in old fashioned western style decor, complete with western boot style lamps, iron railed beds and home-made quilts, she couldn't help but wonder if anyone ever tired of advertising the old west.
On her way out here she had stopped off at several places, all complete with antique shops and malls. But once you'd seen one, a half a dozen more got boring.
Janet was still asleep in the other twin bed, a western outfit lay across Savannah's bed. Savannah went to the closet and pulled out a purple dress, soft, not too sexy, but very alluring. This would work. Thank goodness she and Janet were the same size, she'd borrow the dress. How many times had that come in handy?
She drew a bath, and soaked for a while. When she heard Janet get up, she decided she better get out. Draping the towel around her she walked into the bedroom.
"Hello sleepy-head."
"Hi. I'm starved. Are you going to the cook out tonight? I saw it on the schedule. It sounds like such fun, and I met this cute cowboy, his name is...get this...Leroy." Janet asked as she stretched herself. "Barbequed chicken, steaks and rabbit. I can't wait."
"No, I'm afraid Ben wants to take me to dinner, in town. Do you mind?"
"Of course not. Just keep your head about you. I know how these western romances go. A cowboy can sure pour it on, when they want to. Just because you didn't make the mistake of marrying Chad, doesn't mean you won't fall for another line. You are so vulnerable right now, Savannah, be careful."
"Oh, so now you're an expert on cowboys?" Savannah laughed. "So now you want me to be careful, huh?"
"No, I’m just an expert on men, silly." Janet laughed.
Savannah smiled, "What do you mean, make the mistake of marrying Chad? Did you know it would be a mistake?"
"Honey, I think every girl in town knew but you!" Janet asked innocently. "He was seeing someone else, wasn't he?"
"Yes, did you know?" Savannah's eyes rounded on her. Did she already know Chad was gay? Surely not!
Janet stood up, a frown playing on her beautiful face, "There are classic signs when men aren't being entirely honest."
"But Janet...why didn't you tell me?"
"I wanted to several times, hon, but I figured it was more his place, than mine. Besides, we all figured he'd slip up and you'd catch him. You did catch him, didn't you?"
"Oh well, yes, I sure did."