Page 66 of Runaway Bride
"Yes, it is," he said and came closer, only to back up again.
"Ben...I don't understand any of this. What's wrong?"
He moved so she could see him, see the desire in his eyes, feel the heat of his body, "I know you don't, and that's exactly what's wrong."
"You aren't making much sense," she began, again frustrated.
"Now that's where you are wrong, honey. I'm making better sense, than I ever have." He came up to her now, and held her against him, then pushing her only an arm's distance away he explained, "You're just so damned innocent. What I like about you, what I've always liked about you is your strong sense of moral character. You are the one woman that has put me in my place. You were right, I was wrong."
Trying to turn away from him she couldn't understand him. "What are you saying, Ben?"
"The same thing you were saying a minute ago, that I won't take you to bed. I won't make love to you."
To be rejected for another man, was one thing, to be rejected because of her own innocence was humiliating. She wasn't sophisticated enough for the great Ben Hogg?
"Fine, then take me home," she wailed in misery.
"I–I can't do that either," he shook with some kind of fury within him.
"Why not?"
"That little bridge you crossed to get here, it's overflowing, it always overflows when there is a heavy rain, it's impassable. We are stuck here for the night."
"You're kidding!"
"Not on your life," his breathing seemed labored.
"And being stuck with me, makes you miserable?" she wailed again.
"Yes," he came up to her.
If he saw the hurt in her eyes, he didn't acknowledge it. Instead he moved away, so far, she didn't know where he was. Sounds came from different areas of the room, but she couldn't see him well enough, the fire was dying down and only a faint flicker sent shadows about the room.
Finally, he called to her, "Come here."
"I made a make shift bed, it's an old quilt, but it will keep you from a chill. Get some sleep."
She glanced down at the pallet he had made on the floor. Then back up at him, "What about you?"
"I'll sleep by the fire, and keep it going," he motioned for her to lay down.
"Ben...I'm sorry," she pulled at his arm, but he gently moved away.
"Get some sleep," he murmured.
Sleep was the last thing on her mind. Here she was with the man she loved, and she was three feet away. When what she really wanted was to make love all night. Admitting it wasn't hard, but living with it was. She had never been with a man before, and she was as naive about men as he had accused of her of being. But at twenty-six, she thought it was time to make some heavy decisions.
She and Ben might never have another chance to be together. One night of bliss was enough, if it was with the right person she silently vowed, but somehow things had turned around. Now Ben was being the ultimate gentleman, refusing what she offered him. And why?
He said he had wanted her, before. Had that changed?
She stared at him through the dim light until her eyes closed in complete frustration.
* * *
Dawn brought new awareness, as Ben woke to find her curled against his legs, her hand resting on his knee. She looked beautiful lying there. How he wanted to take her into his arms, comfort her and be with her. But something had come over him last night as he kissed her. This went beyond mere physical lust for a woman. He felt protective of her, and no one, was going to take advantage of Savannah. Including himself.