Page 48 of The Playmaker
He relaxes a bit, his steely expression softening. “Good, because he’s a grade-A douche bag.”
“I kind of got that.”
“That’s way worse than an expert asshole.”
I laugh. “I guess that’s why you told him I was seeing someone.”
“I didn’t like the way he was looking at you. You’re a nice girl, Nina.” A pause, a shrug of his shoulders, and then, “I mean, you can go out with whoever you want.” He gives me a concerned look. “I just don’t like him. But if you want—”
“I don’t.” He gives a tight nod, and I look at his canvas. “You’re doing a good job,” I say, wanting to lighten his mood.
His eyes go wide and when he pretends shock, I’m happy to see the old Cole back. “Was that a compliment?” he asks, disbelief in his tone as he looks down at his feet, like he’s searching the ground for something.
“What are you doing?”
“Checking to see if hell froze over.”
I cock my head and plant my brush-free hand on my hip. “I’m sure I must have complimented you before, at least once. Maybe even twice.”
“Nope, don’t think so, and there were so, so many times I think I deserved it.”
I roll my eyes at him. “You’re such a—”
“Yeah, that’s one of the nicer words I’ve called you.”
“Are you going to use that word tonight, Nina?” He wags playful brows at me, and my insides flutter, like a silly schoolgirl with a crush. “Are you going to tell me about all the nasty names you used to call me when I’m buried inside you.”
I pucker my lips as warmth creeps through my skin at thoughts of being in his bed tonight. “It will take hours, and we don’t have all night.”
“No, but we do have another week or so.” He points to his head. “Depending.” He goes oddly quit for a second, and the playfulness is gone from his face, something I can’t quite identify moving into its place when he says, “About that. Just us these next couple weeks, okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t want you to be with anyone else.”
Seriously? He’s asking me for a commitment?
“And you?” I ask in return. “Do these rules apply to The Playmaker?”
“I don’t want to be with anyone else either, Nina.”
A thrill rushes through me, but I do my best to play it off as casual. “I don’t have time for anyone else this week, Cole. Cooking for you and learning the game is going to eat away at the week fast.”
“Okay,” is all he says as he goes back to his flower.
We paint in silence for a little longer, and I lean back to take in our artwork.
“Not bad for your first attempt,” I say. “I think that will look nice in your place.”
He arches a brow and gives me a look that suggests I’m insane. “You think I’m hanging this in my place?”
“Of course you are.”
“I just about lost my man card coming here to paint a damn flower, Nina. Do you want me to cash it in completely?”
I laugh. “No, I like your man card.” That brings a smile to his face. “I just think something personal will be nice in your house. It’s not like I’m asking you to hang it in the man cave you’ve yet to show me.”