Page 33 of The Body Checker
Do I really want some girl taking over tonight? That would mean I’m out and she’s in.
Would it also mean she’d take over in the bedroom as well?
Send the message already.
Annoyed with myself, I hit send and put the phone in my back pocket. The sound of laughter reaches my ears, and I go into the playroom to get the activities ready for the kids. They all start to pile in, all bright-eyed and fresh-faced, and ready for their morning playtime.
I’m more tired than usual when lunchtime comes around. Probably because I’ve been exercising muscles that have been dormant far too long. I head to the lunch room for my break when my phone pings. My heart does a little leap when I see it’s Jonah, and I don’t want to think too hard on that.
Daisy has a rash. What do I do?
Go to the drugstore and get some cream. Ask the pharmacist what they recommend.
I think we need to get her some more onesies, she’s gone through three changes today.
Okay, good idea, I text back.
Do you think it’s her formula making her spit up?
I laugh. No, she’s just a baby. Babies spit up.
I’ll talk to the pharmacist, ask about that.
Okay, talk to you later.
What time do you think you’ll be home?
Around five-thirty.
I’ll try to have dinner ready.
No worries, you have your hands full.
She’s been crying a lot today. Maybe she misses you. Oh, I was going to give her a bath, Google said that would help, but I don’t want to do that without you.
We’ll do that tonight.
I stare at the phone, and three dots keep repeating. I wait for Jonah’s next text to come through but it doesn’t. Whatever he was going to say, he must have changed his mind. I’m about to put my phone back in my pocket but consider texting Zander to check up on Jonah. Then change my mind. I don’t want him to think I called in reinforcement because he can’t handle a four-month-old.
The rest of the day passes quickly, as it always does in the daycare, and after seeing all the kids off to their waiting parents, Carrie meets me at the door with a list of names.
“Wow, you really came through for me. Thank you.”
“I made a few calls. No problem at all. I hope you find someone to care for the child.” A pause, and then, “I know it’s not my business but where is her mother?”
“We don’t know, she just dropped the baby off.”
“Do you think she’ll come back for her?”
I give that thought more consideration. Would it break Jonah’s heart to hand his daughter over, or will he be relieved? I can already see the bond growing, but hockey is his first love. Would he grow to resent Daisy? The responsibility of taking care of a child has already interfered with his lifestyle, and worrying about her when he’s on the road could interfere with his game. He might be stepping up, but this isn’t what he wants. Not really.
“I’m not sure what’s going to happen. Right now, we’re just trying to get by day by day.”
Carrie puts her hand on my shoulder. “Just be careful, okay?”
Why would she tell me to be careful? I’m about to ask, when a car horn sounds and Carrie waves. “That’s Dave. Gotta run.” She leaves the center, and once the place is empty, I grab my purse, lock up, and head home.