Page 55 of The Body Checker
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“By getting married?”
I briefly pinch my eyes shut, trying to decipher what he’s saying. “I told you, I can’t marry her. I don’t love her, and after the stunt she just pulled, I’m not even sure I want her around my daughter.”
Just then, Quinn steps into the room, and her eyes are wide. I shake my head at her, at a loss.
“Son, I’m not suggesting you marry her. I was suggesting you marry someone else.”
“Marry someone else?” I ask. “Like who?” Quinn walks across the room, and Daisy grabs her hair and giggles. Quinn winces and very carefully removes Daisy’s hand from her hair as they head upstairs.
“What about Quinn?”
Before I can stop myself, I blurt out, “You think I should marry Quinn?”
Quinn stops halfway up the stairs and slowly turns around. As if her legs are about to give out on her, she sinks down, sits on the step. Our eyes meet, and lock.
“It’s like this. It doesn’t have to be a real marriage, just one for show. You two go way back. She’s a nice girl, works at a daycare. How much better could it be?”
“I can’t ask Quinn to do something like that. She has a life of her own. She’s done enough for us as it is.”
“Then make her an offer she can’t refuse. If you can prove to the courts you’re a stable family man, with someone to care for Daisy when you’re on the road, they’re more likely to rule in your favor. You might not get full custody, but you should get shared.”
I shake my head, hardly able to believe what my Dad is suggesting. It might look good to the courts, but no way in hell would a girl, not interested in a family of her own, agree to marry a man with a child.
“Just think about it, son. You could have a quick ceremony at city hall, and once things are settled, you could get an annulment.”
“Do you think that’s the right thing for Daisy, though?” I ask. “What about when I’m on the road, who’s going to take care of her?”
“Your mother and I have discussed that, and she will.”
My head rears back, surprised. “Daisy’s not Mom’s responsibility, she’s mine.”
“Then she’ll care for her until you find yourself a real wife, someone who will love and care for Daisy as much as you.”
“I have to go,” I say, and slide my finger across the screen to end the call.
I look up again, and my eyes land on Quinn. As I take her in, see the way she cares for Daisy, I realize I’ve already found that woman. If only she felt the same way about me. Her brother would rip off my left nut, but I’m pretty sure I can live without one.
I open my mouth to speak, but she holds her hand up to cut me off. Not that I blame her. I think the idea of a fake marriage is insane, too. Especially when it’s a real one I want.
“I’ll do it,” she says.
What the hell am I doing?
Standing before a Justice of the Peace in city hall, I hold the flowers in my hand and glance at the handsome man beside me. Goddammit, he looks so incredible in his suit, my entire body vibrates with need.
Zander, his best man, stands beside him, and my best friend Tina is to my left. I feel crappy for keeping her out of the loop for so long, but I’d been so caught up in Jonah and Daisy, I had very little time for anything else. I plan to make that up to her though, once things settle down and our lives are in order.
From behind us, Daisy coos and both Jonah and I turn at the same time, so attuned to all her little sounds. She’s smiling and pulling on his mother’s hair, but she doesn’t seem to mind. She’s going to make a wonderful grandmother, and for that I’m grateful.
Dad is sitting in his wheelchair, and guilt niggles at me. He’s the only one not privy to the ruse, and I’d prefer to keep it that way. He’d love to see his daughter married before his cancer took him, and I’m happy I can do this for him. He coughs, and I turn back to the man about to marry us.
I’m marrying Jonah Long.