Page 14 of The Hard Hitter
“Yes, exactly. It’s a conflict of interest. And…”
“And what?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m not looking for any type of relationship, Zander. I’m trying to get my business of the ground.”
“I’m not looking for more either, Sam. I have a child to take care of, and a hockey career that takes me on the road. We had fun. Nothing wrong with that, and nothing wrong with us wanting to have a bit more fun.”
“I just…can’t.”
“Okay, fine,” I say, not about to push this. No means no, and I respect that. “But just remember, you were the one who came to me, and you should probably spend some time thinking about the real reason you ran away so fast.” Her eyes go wide, and she takes a step back. “I’ll be outside. I need air. Please bring Daisy to me when you’re done.”
With that, I walk back down the hall and leave the same way I came in. I put my hand on the wooden handrail as I descend the steps and it wobbles beneath my palm.
Dammit. It could let go anytime, and if Daisy or any other child were holding on to it, they’d topple over onto the concrete walkway right along with it.
Worried about the safety of Sam’s clients, and needing something to occupy my hands and mind, I go to my trunk and open it. I glance at the toolbox that’s been sitting there for years, since I helped Jonah do a few repairs on the daycare space Quinn rented. I grab a hammer and a few nails and make my way back to the steps. I pound the nails in, and once I’m sure it’s secure, I shove my tools back in my trunk. I plunk down on the steps and glance at my watch.
Maybe bringing Daisy back here wasn’t such a great idea. Seeing Sam again is fucking with me in strange ways. In the end though, she’s probably right. We shouldn’t have slept together. She’s working with Daisy, and there is a relationship there built on trust. But goddammit, that’s not stopping me from wanting her physically again.
Still, I can’t help but think there is more to this, a deeper underlying reason for why she ran away. Is it possible that I’m right about her being ashamed of her needs?
I brace my elbows on my knees, then grab my phone from my pocket. Fuck, I haven’t been out in ages. Maybe it’s time I hit the bar and found myself a hot puck bunny—someone to help take my mind off Sam and our explosive sex. I shoot Jonah a text.
Want to grab a beer tonight?
I wait a moment and his response comes in. Carlo’s place?
Carlo’s is a bar where I’ve spent many nights getting drunk and hanging out with friends. Of course, that all stopped after Daisy, but goddammit, I need something to clear my head tonight.
Sounds good.
I pull up my contacts and call Daisy’s nanny. She’s our full time nanny during hockey season, but she’s elderly and lives alone and really enjoys spending time at my place. “Hey Celeste, Zander here.”
“Zander, how are you?”
A child on a three-wheel bike and his mother walk by on the sidewalk, and the mother glances at me. Her eyes go wide when recognition hits. I smile and wave to her, and she hesitates for a second. She reaches for her phone, no doubt to ask for a picture with her, but her son on his tricycle races down the sidewalk, and she bolts after him.
“Things are good. I was wondering if you were free tonight?”
“I would love to see Daisy and sit for you,” she says.
“I’m sure she’d love to see you, too, and I really appreciate you always making time for us.”
“I’ll come by right after dinner.”
“You good to stay over?”
“Of course,” she says and chuckles—a knowing chuckle. “It’s about time you got out more, Zander.”
/> I cringe, in no way wanting to talk about my sex life with the nanny. “Bye for now,” I say and shove the phone back into my pocket. I sit there until the screen door opens, and Daisy and Sam walk out to meet me.
“Daddy, daddy,” Daisy begins. “Sam and I sang the alligator song!”
I grin at that, and put my hand on the fixed rail. I lift my attention to Sam, wanting to keep things professional, but when I do—and notice the way her eyes have strayed to my hand as I grip the rail—it’s all I can do not to press my mouth to hers and kiss her like I’ve been fantasizing about all fucking week.
“You…you fixed the rail?” she asks.
“It was a hazard,” I say. “I didn’t want anyone to fall and get hurt.”