Page 22 of The Hard Hitter
Knowing exactly what’s on her mind, I say, “The girl I was dating wasn’t ready for a family, so she took off.”
She nods and asks, “Do you think Daisy’s mother will ever come back for her daughter?”
I shake my head. “I don’t know, Sam. On one hand, I want her to, because both Quinn and I know what it’s like to grow up without a mother, and on the other, I don’t want just anyone to mother Daisy, you know? I don’t want her to come back and then disappear again. It’s not fair.”
“Life really isn’t fair,” she says, and her hand slides across the seat and captures mine as I hold on to the gearshift. She gives my hand a little squeeze. “Quinn told me you took care of her growing up. That’s nice, Zander.”
I laugh. “She might be a pain in my ass most times, but she’s my sister. Us Reed kids stick together, no matter what.” I flick on my signal and take a right, heading to Andover instead of my home in Cambridge. “She was really there to help me with Daisy, especially after I left to go on the road.”
She sighs and sinks back into the chair, stifling a small yawn. “I always wanted siblings.”
“Just you?”
I nod. “I think Mom and Dad wanted more kids but it just wasn’t in the cards.”
“Do you want kids?” I ask.
“I don’t think it’s in the cards for me, either,” she says, and I wonder about that. She works with kids every day. Is amazing with Daisy.
“Why not?” I ask, and she turns from me, looks out the window.
“I’m not interested in a relationship.”
Fuck man, some douche bag really hurt her. I don’t press, getting the sense that she doesn’t want to talk about it. I turn the radio up, and she quietly sings along as we drive to her house. I park on the street, since her driveway is too small to fit two vehicles. I kill the ignition and turn to her, waiting for her to make the next move. She reaches for the door handle and tugs. But before she gets out, she says, “Why don’t you come in? I’d like to pay you back for fixing my handrail today.”
Sexual tension arcs between us, and my windows fog as we both begin to breathe a little harder. “Did you make me a pie, Sam?”
“No, sorry. I didn’t have any canned cherries. I only have fresh.”
“My absolute fucking favorite,” I say, and jump from the car like it’s about to be struck by lightning. I help her from her seat, hit the fob to lock the car and guide her up her narrow walkway. I glance at her vehicle. “Hey, I can get my buddy to take a look at that for your tomorrow.”
She shakes her head quickly. “No that’s okay.”
“He won’t rip you off.”
“I just…I don’t really need it right now. It’s summer, and I can take the bus mostly.”
I frown at that but say no more as she fishes the key from her pocket to let us in. She swings the door open and I follow her in, shutting and locking it behind us.
She spins to face me. “Coffee?” she asks, and I smile.
“Such a nice girl, with such nice manners,” I say.
She blinks up at me, and my pulse leaps as dark lashes fall slowly over even darker eyes. “I forgot to offer last time, I won’t forget again.”
“What else are you offering, Sam?” I ask as I pull her against me, catch her sweet scent. She melts against me, and I love how responsive she is.
“I don’t have any beer, but I do have wine.”
“Keep trying?” I ask as I guide her down the hall, stopping at the first door. I open it and find her bedroom. Painted in soft lavender, with a comfy-looking bedspread, the room is warm and soft, like her.
“Um, soda?”
“Nope,” I say, and continue down the hall, past the bedroom she uses as an office. I reach what I hope is the bathroom and open the door. Perfect.
“The only thing left is water,” she says. “Can I get you some water?”
“Yes. Water is exactly what I’m after.” I back her into the bathroom, and her eyes go wide when she realizes what I’m up to. “I want to wash the club from our skin, then I’m going to kiss you all over and put my cock right here,” I say, cupping her breasts through her blouse.