Page 30 of The Hard Hitter
I pinch the bridge of my nose. She’s fucking with me. I just know it.
“She’s your friend. You know her better than I do.”
“I suppose. Hey, listen, do you want to bring Daisy by today? I have a few friends coming over to hang out, and they’re bringing their kids. I’m sure Daisy would love to hang out and swim with them.”
“We’re about to hit the market, and I’ll bring her by afterward. How is Scotty feeling?”
“Allergies,” she says. “The pollen is a nightmare.”
“Daisy, do you want to swim with Scotty today?” I ask.
“Yes, Daddy!” she yells, and starts spinning in circles. Will I ever get used to all her energy?
“Pack her pajamas, in case she ends up staying over.”
I hesitate for a moment. I love having Daisy here with me…but what if she wakes up and finds Sam here? I can’t let her get used to her, let Sam be a part of her life outside the clinical setting. I’m not about to set my child up for heartbreak.
“Yeah, okay,” I say. “She’ll probably love that.”
“That’s because Aunty Quinn is a lot of fun.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Talk to you later.” I slide my finger across the phone to end the call and scoop up Daisy. “Let’s get you packed up. Scotty wants to have a sleepover.”
“Yay!” she says. We go up to her room, pack her Paw Patrol backpack, and hit the market, where I pick up a few things I think Sam might like for breakfast. Yeah, with Daisy sleeping over at her cousin’s, I plan to keep Sam with me for the night. I’m not so sure she’ll want to do a sleepover, but I’m not opposed to tying her to my bed.
A couple hours later, I park on the road since Quinn and Jonah’s driveway is filled with vehicles. I help Daisy from her seat and, backpack in hand, she bolts to the front door without me. Jonah lets her in and she dashes past him.
“Hey Jonah, sounds like you have a house full.”
“Which is why I’m getting the hell out of here. A couple of the guys are in town and later we’re going to shoot some pool, knock back a few beers. You in?”
“Ah, actually, I can’t make it tonight.”
Jonah gives a knowing grin. “Big plans?”
“Plans,” is all I say.
He gives me a nudge with his shoulder. “You two make a cute couple.”
“Cut it out, Jonah. We’re not a couple. We’re just fucking,” I say crudely. “You of all people know where I’m coming from.”
Jonah knows all about my past. He had to work through some abandonment issues with Quinn when they first got together. But it’s not me I’m worried about, it’s my daughter. I would climb the highest mountains to protect her from getting hurt. What’s between Sam and me is temporary, so I’m not about to let Daisy grow close to her.
Jonah puts his hand on my shoulder. “Yeah, okay, bud. Sorry.”
I relax. “Who’s in town?”
“Rider and Kane, and we’re not sure about Jamie yet.”
“If they’re in town for a bit, hopefully I’ll catch up with them later. Maybe we can hit the rink for a game of pickup.”
“I’ll put it together.”
“Zander,” Quinn says, as she comes into the foyer. “Are you staying for a bit?”
“Just for a minute,” I say, wanting to make sure Daisy is settled and happy before I leave. I follow Quinn and Jonah outside, where there are numerous women and children crowded around the pool. My sister sure has made a good life for herself, and that makes me happy. She deserves it all.
“Zander,” a few women say as Quinn pours me a lemonade. I greet them in return, and Daisy comes from the house with her bathing suit all twisted up.