Page 46 of The Hard Hitter
My face burns hot, and it’s not from the early morning sun beating down on me. “Well…yes.” She gives me a big smile, but I hurry out with, “It’s not a relationship or anything. We don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. Neither of us want anything more, Quinn.”
She looks at me, big blue eyes that match Zander’s and Daisy’s moving over my face. She gives me a small smile and says, “Are you sure about that?”
It’s been a long week, but fortunately Daisy is on the mend a
nd able to make her late Friday appointment with Sam. I hadn’t seen her since she left my place last Sunday after my nap, and I have to say the sleep did me good, but I hate that I missed out on time with my two girls.
Two girls.
Well, technically they are. At least, Sam is until she finishes treating Daisy.
Before she left, she’d given me some exercises to do with my daughter, and as we drive through the city, I glance at her in the rearview mirror.
“I like soup,” I say.
“I like th-oup,” she repeats. I grin at her in the mirror and she grins back.
“I like supper,” I say.
“I like th-upper,” she repeats.
We go through a few more words, then she loses interest and begins to play with her doll.
“Are we getting ice cream later, Daddy?”
“Of course. We get ice cream after every visit with Sam.”
“Can Sam come with us?”
It’s easy to see that Daisy likes her. What’s not to like? But I can’t let Daisy grow too close to her. “She’s probably busy.”
“I want Sam to come,” she says.
“Okay, we’ll see,” I say, caving in to her. I really should be a stronger disciplinarian, maybe be a bit firmer with my demands, but it’s hard for me. I’m home so little with her, and when I’m here, I just want to give her the world. I’m sure if she had a full-time mother, she’s be much more consistent. But she doesn’t, so we do the best we can.
“We pull up in front of Sam’s, and she unbuckles. I help her from the car and as we walk up the pathway, Sam’s old car is sitting in the driveway. I paid for her repairs, and I’m happy with the work my mechanic put into it. It’s much safer to drive and it gives me comfort to know she’s not going to break down somewhere.
She’s at the door, and my heart gives a little leap when I see her. Fuck, I missed her. A lot.
I exhale loudly at that revelation and resist the urge to pull her into my arms for a kiss.
“Hey Daisy,” she says, her eyes lighting with real pleasure as my daughter races to her. She bends to nip at her nose with the alligator puppet and when she stands again, and her eyes meet mine, electricity arcs between us.
“Come in,” she says. A little breathless whisper. I brush my knuckles along hers as I enter and her heat reaches out to me.
“Head to the playroom, Daisy. I’ll be right there,” Sam says.
Daisy skips down the hall, and I pull Sam to me. “I’ve missed you,” I admit honestly.
“Did you have a hard week?” she asks, teasing me as she rubs her pelvis against mine. I growl in her ear.
“I want to see you, tonight.”
“I want that too,” she says. “Right now, I have to go work with Daisy.”