Page 23 of The Risk Taker
“Pool cleaners are coming tomorrow,” Fallon explains. “And I know just the person to help with the gardening.” She gives me a smile, and I know Mom would love that.
“Well, other than clearing out a bit of the clutter, and cleaning up back here, I think the place is in great shape. We can get it on the market right away.”
Fallon’s smile is wobbly and I get that a part of her is happy to sell, but there’s also a part that is reluctant. I go back to playing with Chase as she talks to John about searching out smaller houses near the hospital as they head inside.
A few minutes later she sticks her head back out the door. “That went better than I thought. No staging or painting needed.”
“The house is only five years old, plus you haven’t been here this last…” I let my words fall off as her eyes grow watery. “Fallon,” I say and step up to her. “If it’s going on the market right away, I should get to work on clearing the closets. Do you want to take some time today to go through things?” I ask.
She nods. “I can do that today.”
“Chase is asking if he can go swimming. Why don’t I drop him with Mom and Dad? That will give you time to yourself, and I’ll come back and take care of the things you want to throw out or donate.”
Her gaze leaves mine and falls over her rambunctious son. “I don’t know. He just got reacquainted with them yesterday. Is it too much to ask them, and will he be okay alone without me?”
I grin. “Watch this.” I turn to Chase. “Hey buddy, you want to go swimming with Grandma and Grandpa?”
“I do. I do. I do,” he says and starts running in a circle. Fallon laughs and it brings a smile to my face.
“Chase, come here,” she says.
He runs over and she drops to her knees. “Uncle Jamie is going to take you and I’m going to stay here because I have some things do to. Is that okay?”
“Okay, Mommy,” he says.
Fallon rolls her eyes at me. “Wow, I feel so important.” She stands. “Okay, let’s get your bag packed.” She takes his hand. “You don’t think they’ll mind?”
“Positive. I’ll call now.” I grab my phone and call as Fallon gets Chase ready. By the time she comes back downstairs, Chase now out of his pajamas, I say, “They’re thrilled. They asked if they could keep him for dinner as well.”
“You want to have dinner with Grandma and Grandpa, Chase?” Fallon asks.
“I want watermelon,” he yells.
I snort. “I take that as a yes.”
Fallon hands me her keys. “Take my SUV. It has the car seat in the back.” Fallon follows us outside, and buckles Chase in. I shut the door and turn to her, see the strain in her eyes. A lump clogs my throat and there isn’t a thing I can do to swallow it down.
“You going to be okay?” I ask, and resist the urge to pull her in for a hug, tell her everything is going to be okay. Because it’s not. Nothing will ever be okay for her again. Last night, for a short time we were able to lose ourselves in each other, forget about life for a while, but now, under the stark light of reality, the world once again weighs heavy on her.
Because of me.
“As good as can be expected,” she answers with a forced smile.
“I won’t be long. I’ll get Chase settled and be back.” Before I open the driver’s side door, I ask, “Starbucks, salted caramel latte?”
Her eyes practically roll back in her head and it’s almost the same look she gave me when she was coming in my arms. “You remember.”
“Yeah, I remember,” I say. “Okay, see you shortly.” I climb into the driver’s seat and start the vehicle.
As I back out, Chase says, “I want to hear the alligator song.”
“No idea what that is, bud,” I say as I adjust the rearview mirror and glance at him.
“Press that button.” He points at the console and I scan it until I figure out what he’s pointing at. I press the DVD play button, and the next thing I know some god-awful song blares through the speakers. Chase starts singing along and I cringe. What the ever-loving fuck am I listening too? Behind me, Chase starts chomping his hands to the beat and I wish I had ear plugs because now I’m going to have an earworm for the rest of the day. Fuck man, how can Fallon listen to this?
I drive through the light morning traffic and Chase is practically jumping in his seat when I pull up to Mom and Dad’s place. They come out the door when they see us. I exit the vehicle.
“Thanks guys,” I say. “I’m helping Fallon get the house ready today, so watching Chase is a big help.”